Why do i find it so firm to bring myself to hold a poo? inevitability suggestion ASAP plz :s

for about a yr now after a trip i have abroad ive found bringing myself 2 having a poo actual hard, embaressing, i know every1 has 2 do and every1 does it, but i only just h8 it so much
wen i was on this trip i was near quite a few ppl i knew, but here was onli reli 1 loo, but bcos where we go was quite poor we put restrictions on the loo so u onli flushed if ud have a no. 2 and leave it if u onli had a no.1
but we run out of water quite soon, so we have 2 use the long drop toilet outside, this i did not use 4 the whole 10 days we were at hand, think we ran out of wet on the 2nd day, so i was sort of stopping myself from have a poo, 1 cos i didn't want ppl knowing i was going or had gone, 2 cos be outside, well i don't like spiders, so didn't close to the idea of an outdoor loo
but yh, the onli chance i reli have then of going loo 4 a no. 2 was wen we go 2 sum1 elses house 4 a shower, cos that way then i be more sure that less ppl wud know, and the onli other time was reli at a cafe place we go 2, but the showers were like 1 evry 3 days i chew over it was so i didn't go probably habitually enuf
consequently 4 the whole time we were in attendance i felt rather self-conscious as u can probably imagine
and wen we came 2 come home, i have a total tummy go wrong, and felt material real real desperate! like diarrhoa so felt total rubbish, but by afterwards it was 2 late

1yr on from the trip, i still find it REAL rock-hard 2 bring myself 2 go, even in my own home, which is stupid cos i can't stir no where else, an i have 2 dance obviously

but i just h8 it so much, i can't dance when either of my parents r upstairs unless i realy realy hav 2, just h8 the thought of them knowing im have a poo, i dunno wt it is, i just dont like it, so consequently i vitally stop myself from going, which is obviously no gd 4 my insides, as i proved when i went 4 that trip

i freshly don't know wt 2 do bout it, ive spoke 2 my mom bout it, but even then i can't go wen shes around

does anyone dream up i have a medical condition or summat i shud b aware of??

shud i c a doctor or sum kind of poo counseller or summat?

i reli want 2 in recent times b able 2 go and contemplate nothing more of it, rather than fretting bout it, making myself discomfited and ill :(

advice appreciated

xXx Wondering xXx

Answers:    It seem like it's a psychological problem that you have. I hold the same problem when I go on break because I hate using public toilets. You can try something to make you mediator like meditation or yoga. Or just sit on the toilet every morning for at least 5 minutes. And just realize that EVERYONE poops, not only you!

There are some people who can poop 3x a day, and others who dance one every three or four days. Drink lots of water and eat foods that sustain regulate your bowel movements, like bran, salads with live grease, fruits and veggies..
indulge in anal sex and you will start rushing to poo every time , tlk to ur doctor
****...u got issues! dude....... relax shift to the bathroom and just do it before you even conjecture about. i know people who jump to the bathroom every day (my brother stinks it up baaaaaaaad!) but i never think much of it. close your eyes and tack a dump immediately before you have to stir to a doctor or something! just sit on the toilet and try. if you don't succeed, then come final later. pretty soon you'll be doing it so often that you won't hold to think about it so much. hope this help :).
Holy **** kid everyone poops. Yeah it's kinda gross and whatever but nothing to be embarassed almost. I think it would be more embarassing for you for people to know that you are so discusted near pooping that you cause yourself physical discomfort because of it. I don't like going within public, but I don't want to be uncomfortable or have an coincidence or anything so if I have to, I do. WHo cares if what those think you are doing is gross? They do it too probably on a daily reason and whenever the urge strikes. I don't like the thought of people knowing that I am pooping, but if they do know, so what? I've hear plenty of people pooping before contained by my life and may think it's gross momentarily but these unquestionably aren't things I'm going to remember for the rest of my life, it's just someone taking a ****. haven't you ever be camping and pooped in those outhouses?

i enjoy the same problem, but it's with peeing. i'm a guy, and i can't pee contained by public restrooms unless i go into my own private stall. i just have a feeling weird takin out my tool infront of a bunch of other guys. i have indistinguishable problem if i go into a bathroom and i'm at someone's house with population i don't know and they're fairly close to the door.

i don't know why it happened, but it sucks. i look forward to seeing other peoples answers so it can minister to me too.

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