Weird side effects near metformin? Dose too much at once?

For 90 days I was on 1000 mgs of metformin a time. Becuase it made me feel so grisly, my OB told me to take both tablets at hours of darkness so I would be asleep during most of the dizziness and nauseousness. This worked for me. I didn't ovulate within that 90 light of day period, so she call me in provera and upped my dosage of metformin to 1700 mgs a sunshine (2 850mg tablets). She wants me to be on this dosage for 30 days and afterwards review my chart and meet near my husband and I about prescribing clomid if i don't ovulate. Does this adjectives sound similar to your experiences? I know some doctors are quicker to prescribe Clomid, mine is very concerned in the region of the multiple birth side effects. question: Last hours of darkness, I was up most of the darkness with what feel like hallucination. I took all 1700 mgs near dinner. I was restless, sweaty and only plain miserable. I finally fell asleep at 5 this morning. Is 1700 mgs too much to take at once? Does anyone hold experience with this?

Breast Cancer?

I filch it that you are PCOS and wanting to get pregnant... indicates some of the side effects. Review conscientiously any other drugs you might be taking to include over the counters and/or herbal/natural drugs as this drug does have a history of interactions next to other drugs. It also is contraindicated in people beside pituitary abnormalities so form sure to ask about that as specifically also linked beside PCOS. Good luck and CALL your MD

Polycystic Ovaries and cycle regulating due to weight loss?

Call your DR.Now dont put up near that for a nother night.send for your DR. office right very soon...

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