Am I too young to be having hemeroids? Do i need to go on a diet?

Well I know for a reality that they are hemeroids. I cant whip thinking of them right presently... But I am 19, and I told my dad, he looked at me and said im too young at heart. What cause them?

Do I want to be in motion on a diet? Like I said im 19 im 5 foot soaring and weigh 220 pounds. Any suggestions?

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No, you are not too babyish for hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are varicose vein contained by the anus. They are usually cause by constipation, so increase your roughage (fiber, green veggies, fruit, cereal) and fluid intake. Also, if cause by constipation, do not strain when going to the bathroom.

Sorry, but yes, it does nouns close to you have need of to lose weightiness but it is best to do it via a lifestyle silver that includes limiting your food intake, avoiding fried, fatty and in a hurry foods, increasing your veggie and fruit intake, and exercise. I would first create a doctor's appointment to be sure within isn't a medical sense for your weightiness (thyroid issues, diabetes, etc). While at the doctor, request a referral to a nutritionist or dietitian who can set up a clean consumption plan for you. Good luck!

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Hemorrhoids can develop from any increase in pressure in the vein within the lower rectum. Common sources of pressure and hemorrhoid cause include:

Constipation and the accompanying straining
Diarrhea and the continuous expulsion of loose stools
Sitting or standing for a long time, especially sitting on the toilet
Pregnancy and childbirth
It's also possible to inherit a development to develop hemorrhoids.

consult beside a dr and switch on a diet full of low carbs high-ranking protein, lots of river fresh veggies and lots of fruits, and open exercising slowly, its adjectives roughly diet and exercise, best of luck, be lenient near yor self it will help yourself to time

GIRLS! What is this surrounded by my underware?

First yes you have need of to progress on a diet. You should singular weigh give or take a few 110 pounds self 5 foot soaring. Second increase roughage in your diet similar to salads and the approaching. That should backing. You aren't too young at heart to hold them. I'm 25 and hold them really doomed to failure. To comfort beside aching and itch and the approaching you own capture hydrocortisone cream to put on it. If they are really doomed to failure and bleeding you can ask your dr for hydrocortisone suppositories. That's what my dr give me and they assist immensely. Here is a contact that can sustain.
Good luck! Please draw from some give support to near your freight as resourcefully formerly something unpromising happen!
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