I call for help...Girls merely!?

well i am 13 and i really want to shave but everyone is telling me that im going to regret it and that am going to repugnance it...i bought some razors..i know hoe...and im only just a little worried..please sustain me =].=[..=/..im having mixed emotion..and i hate my leg coat because it makes me quality sooo self concious!

Pls help.my boyfriend have some problems with stomach and his doctor told him no to munch through anything for 10 days.?

It's no big deal. You already spent money on it, basically shave. In the winter you wouldn't have to shave much anyway, your legs would be covered up most of the time. Shaving singular takes close to, 2 minutes of your time. Or you could wax.

Could it be?

when i was in the order of 13, i started shaving. if it makes you discomfited shave it off! =) its not a huge concord. i didnt regret it. im 16 now and shave ever time i lug a shower (everyday) it doesnt bother me a bit! good luck hun! xoxox

Sexually unawares?

You may hate have to do it for about the rest of your life span but then you'll have a feeling smooth. It's not that bad. You can settle on out often you wanna do it and around 13 is a impeccable age to start. So would you rather be furred and have mixed emotion or would you like to be smooth and settle on when you have to shave again?

Ladies! 10 points, unforced :)?

Just shave it you spent money on razors...only dip it in dampen and soap or shaving cream first so you dont cut yourself...but dont worry i'am 13 and i shave.l..i've never cut myself...neither regreted it!
hope this help!

Ladies Only?

ok hun... well im 16.. so i own been shaving for awhile. There really isnt anything to regret.. if you hatred it then only let it grow hindmost... its as simple as that... good luck.

Period relief girls please help again.?

I started shaving around your age too! There's no involve to worry roughly it its quite unproblematic! Fist you need to drizzling your legs & then win some hair conditioner or soap & generate it into kind of a bubbly mix & slap it allover your legs! Then drizzly one of the razors and a moment ago shave over the top of the bubbles! What ever you do please don't shave on dry skin because you can get helpful of a rash & you can cut yourself pretty confidently! The hair will start to grow rear in a few days so nearby's no need to frenzy if you don't like it! Good luck! x x x x x x x x x x x

Is it allright to skin a time of year?

I would suggest waxing...it really doesnt hurt resembling ppl say and it last for a month..and youll never get stubble

Breast augmentation?

trying wax as u are inexperienced about using razors

accurate luck bye

Swimm team for the ladiees?

don't listen to anyone, if you want to shave later shave.my advice to you would be to use shaving gel such as skintimate and ALWAYS use a unwieldy lotion on your legs after shaving in order to prevent iritation.NEVER use cheap razor becuase they will mess up your legs.gl


it's no big deal. in recent times shave it off. but once u shave bad the hair it will grow backbone quick and would be worse than what u own now..that's probably what others stingy by regretting it later. it is no big matter and does not take up much time..so run for it!

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im pretty sure you should shave and the whole myth of the "regretting" entry is really stupid because hun, youre going to grow it back anyways..

when i be 13 i shaved..and no woman wants furred legs and since you already spent youre money on it, shave!

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no big deal jus relax and shave. whocares wut ur friends read out u hav the razors use them jus think twice not 2 cut urself. best of luck!

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