What are the pros and cons of birth control for a minor?

are there side affects. short possession and long term...

Polycystic ovarian syndrome?

Pros: There are abundant types of birth control pills such as hormone, barrier, etc. Hormones may variety her period regular, reduction acne and prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Having her being charge of her own body and preventing an unwanted pregnancy is a wonderful piece.

Cons: Sometimes a girl doesn't tolerate birth control pills and gets moody or depressed and it take awhile to find the right one. She may be less promising to use a condom when/if she becomes sexually stirring.

Both pros and cons can be talked in the region of. I think birth control is both a responsible and excellent hypothesis. It does not increase the likelihood of her becoming sexually alive. Surveys and studies prove that. What it DOES do, is put her in charge of her own body. I don't see a down side to that. My sister have a baby at 17 and my friend have one at 15. Neither of them fulfilled their dreams or had amazingly good lives. I focus the risk of not putting a girl on birth control of some type far, far outweights the benefits. I am glad you are looking out for your daughter.

What can I do??I don't like them!?

Please be more specific. Which type of birth control? pills? condom? parsimony?

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Some birth controls are hazardous some side effects would be deadly the one I use cause me so much problem, it was never tested, it's best to reach a deal with a doctor I hope this oblige good luck

What cause "pimples" and "rediness"on the cervix?

Pros...reduced worries about an unwanted child
reduced acne for the teen
the pill will regulate her menstrual cycle, preventing a choice of bad hormone imbalances

Cons.the pill MAY fade away certain inhibitions

Is within like a interval test?

This is a ask that has concerned me a large amount, as I have see so many young at heart women (under 18) prescribed the birth control pill, sometimes as a treatment for painful period as well as for contraception. To interfere near the establishment of hormonal rhythms in the body when childish seems fraught next to potential dangers - sex hormones are merely part of a huge complex of hormonal cuff reactions within the body and disruption in any one segment can cause surprising long-term problems. Being on the pill is NOT matching as being pregnant, despite what some relations will tell you.

So I would strongly recommend the (health-wise) safest contraceptive (actual contraceptive, since to suggest that stinginess is a contraceptive is to miss the point, that people are going to hold sex). That is the diaphragm or 'cap'. You can effortlessly learn to use it (after a couple of disasters of flying saucers across the bathroom.), and if you are vigilant and apply the spermicide properly, it is almost as effective as the pill (which is NOT 100% effective). To cause more certain of avoiding pregnancy, combine the diaphragm near avoiding most fertile days (many girls and women can learn to identify this by the consistency of vaginal mucus) and/or have the man use a condom also. So long as you don't have a latex allergy, nearby are no known side effects.

I don't become conscious why doctors and family planning clinics don't prescribe the diaphragm - it seem to have become automatic to prescribe the pill or an hormonal injection. If the immature woman concerned is helped to swot up how to insert the diaphragm properly (usually easy, though more problematic if at hand is a retroverted uterus, which needs more precision to ensure that the cervix is covered), it is so simple and effective and underneath her control. For women with some forms of study disability, it could be problematic, but not for the majority.

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