How do you feel about mutiple abortions?

I hold friends who freshly enjoy abortions approaching they are the up-to-the-minute cult. Some complain of nightmares and some only just grain guilt. But the majority don't really prudence. I in opposition hold a daughter who I love more than anything. So abortion wouldn't ever be an substitute for me. When they ask me for warning I other notify them that they enjoy to fabrication near it doesn`t matter what the conclusion is. So my put somebody through the mill is how do inhabitants you know who have abortions consistency in the order of them and those who didn't perceive?

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I really realy disagree next to that.if they want to use birthcontrol they have need of to use condoms or the pill or other ways ABORTION SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL.
the solitary lone one and only track i can see that abortion should be ok is if the woman and child will die through some opening such as within work or through the months until that time, to be precise the just route and even next the abortion should come up extraordinarily precipitate.

I hold see pictures of babies body parts at 4 weeks and even younger (after anyone aborted) and it wasnt of late a bunch of blood and tissue NO IT WAS FEET IT WAS LEGS IT WAS ARMS AND TOES AND FINGERS AND BRAINS AND HEADS and most be not mangled most be intact bodies.

(the rest of my answer get slightly detailed simply incase someone might capture upset, nothin impossible only just a bit detailed into abortions)

powerfully i used to estimate if you really hold to own one next enjoy it BUT next i saw the prolife abortion website and i cried for days (iv never have an abortion myself). i have pictures of abort babies they found IN THE BINS AT THE BACK OF HOSPITALS ther be a 4 WEEK babe and they put a small coin subsequent to its cranium, they picked up little arms and foot beside toes beside tweezers surrounded by the video, the OPENED THE MOUTHS OF ABORTED 8 WEEK BABIES WHICH SO MANY BELIEVE ARE JUST CELLS AT THAT AGE AND OPENED MOVED ITS TONGUE AROUND, after they told you in the order of how they abort. they habitually suck the body parts of the little one out while its alive, sometimes they rip the lead past its sell-by date using forceps while its still alive, once a doctor pulled out a kid from the woman and it be still ALIVE surrounded by the jar, sometimes their heart are still battering during and after they are ripped out, they also found immense bodies which be OVER THE LEGAL GESTATIONAL AGE TO BE ABORTED (mistake abortions meanin the doctor be partly road done and realised the featus' age be if truth be told closely older) this 8 MONTH toddler have night black burns adjectives over its body where on earth it have be chemically adjectives to abort it....after this i approved i could never hold an abortion!

ancestors vote these babies arent alive nonetheless, they are of late a bundle of cell but these ethnic group are conned by doctors who explain to them abortion is ok, women arent qualified satisfactory nearly abortion. i also ask these women who hold lots of abortions thinking that in actual fact the tot contained by their womb is lately a non living cell at 4 weeks to look at the pictures and video on the website i will put within the sources box below:

(i hope my answer didnt upset anyone i can freshly see it in a minute human being sent subsidise to me from yahoo sayin it have be taken rotten but folks inevitability to know the truth)

Embarassing Question(females simply please)?

I am sorry, I don't know anyone who have have an abortion. That is lately wrong within our book. :) But I am sure that those that do hold abortions, wonder what the infant would look similar to and would probably hold nightmares because you own KILLED someone!!

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i'm pro-choice, but i consider it's horrifying for inhabitants to be using abortions as their method of birth control. if they don't want to bring pregnant, they have need of to br trying seriously harder to engender sure it doesn't arise.

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Tell them to hold on to here damn legs closed. Tell them give or take a few this item that most ethnic group don't use which is birth control. God damn stupid dirty enthusiasm taking tramps... Man, this character of crap sets me off.........

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I don't know anyone who have an abortion. I am pro-choice, but I cogitate that here are masses other option that prevent pregnancy. abortion SHOULD NOT be the singular method these society are using.

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I'm pro choice because some folks come underneath circumstances where on earth they be rap. But, i don't support abrtion where on earth ethnic group are abuse the system. If you don't want a infant start using protection or a moment ago practice abstinace until your really all set or purely apreciate the bequest god give you
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