Could I be going through..Serious answers please.?

Menopause. My periods are sometimes belatedly, I have it for a couple of days after stop and then start again for a couple of days. I know that they voice you can go through it rash but I am only 36. Any direction on what is going on?

Real answers about colostrum?

Unlikely menopause, but It could be 'peri-menopause', the time extent before menopause when your hormones start to re-adjust ot 'slow down' within preparation for the real concord. This sounds familiar ... you may also stop menstruating for a few months and start again. But later again, stress factors surrounded by BIG TIME with high regard to irregular periods.

Talk to your doc if this persist for more than another month or due date for your regular period. There are medical and organic treatments to help you cope beside this if it gets too much ie. sometimes peri-menopausal women hold a period that last for months, soak through pads, and/or expell blood clots that are the size of a fist. Also, some women experience a chunky period that comes short warning and this can be embarassing. This 'condition' can head to anxiety and depression.

How would I know if my partner is satisfied when we`re have a sex?

I do not think you are going through menopause. Cycles normally become irregular, from a host of other things, from your thyroid to PCOS. If it is enough to concern you, chitchat to your doctor.

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Could be pre-menopause. Checking with your Dr. is best. I go through menopause young. Before everything in fact quit it was a few years (4)of the lowest possible amount of problems I'd ever had. Light period, shorter, no cramps, no migraines, no PMS. Then boom it just stopped. I didn't own the terrible time so heaps do. I'd say the one and only bad quantity has be weight gain and loosing the amount but there be a few years of heaven earlier that started happening.

Why is it?

oh, you could smoothly be in menopause. obviously, you can get a doctor to rule out it anyone something else. most people dont know, but menopause can start off as early age 5 within both sexes, shocking isnt it? i started getting my symptoms at age 35, it was other symptoms of meniopause & my extent was majority back next. this reproductive hormone decline can do this even though the female still have a period & the time is normal but in attendance can be the "other menopause symptoms" peering through.

technically, just to permit you know, menopause & perimenopause are words that are interchangeable, but perimenopause is really the time that leads up to menopause. menopause is the time after you're period have stopped for 12 months & doesnt return.

also, i may as well extend you this too. menopause can have much more than hot flashes & mood swings (tears), it can enjoy 33 other symptoms to look for. here's a good website next to the 35 symtpoms of menopause & also other parts of that site have perfect things about menopause contained by general.

speaking of this subject, if you choose to ever meditate of trying HRT (hormone replacement therapy) to relieve symptoms, i put you on notice that the risks the doctors put in the picture you about (cancer, heart attack, stroke) aren't adjectives you'll be risking, like me right very soon, i have a host of cruel side-effects from it. the pills all contain estrogen & estrogens enjoy a long list of side-effects you can take. one i have--this one side-effect alone is so bad i have to stop all HRT forever because unless i'm drugged up on prescription distress killers i achieve get horrible cramp in the chin joint (called TMJ) on a daily basis that i scream out within pain for hours. also, i've have a numb left appendage (1/2 of it) for 4 days straight & it hurts to use the hand & attached elbow too much, i hold swelled lower legs from fluid retention (getting worse), i have borderline illustrious blood pressure, an itchy brown bumpy rash that i found out will keep at it even though i stopped the HRT. then, up to that time i had the dose cut within 1/2, i had frequent vomitting for no reason--5 times a week or more, but this finally quit when the dose be lowered. i researched this HRT business on the web & it said copious women get duplicate side effects i have or even more on the long list i saw. i can believe it, i'm a mess & it'll take awhile for my body to treat itself. so now i'm on herbal remedies, which is what i shouldve stayed on when i have first started this idiotic flight, oh well.

anyway, i'm a scientist & medical researcher who have years of work in the science, medical, & biology paddock, so i'm well versed on this subject & regrettably going through it (boo hoo).

What changes do you perceive in men sexually as they win older?

Changes contained by your cycle could be due to changes contained by your diet or exercise. My friends have equal problem you do. It is not menopause. It sounds like PCOS or you could be have problems with your uterus. One of my friends have PCOS and has that problem. My other friend merely found out she has a mass surrounded by her uterus. See your doctor about this. Good luck!

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