Getting my stomach backbone after having a infant...8 years ago!?

I've never been a super skinny gal, so I'm not looking for miracles here. But, I ballooned to around 220 lbs during and shortly after my pregnancy. Now it's close to 8 years following, and I finally have my body (almost) backbone. I actually weigh smaller quantity than I did when I got pregnant, but I HATE my stomach!

How do I know if in that is anything that I can truly do about it, or if I newly have to achieve a tummy tuck? I am willing to do WHATEVER I own to do to tone that area, but I honestly don't want to run the time if it isn't going to do a darn thing.


I hope i am not the individual one with this problem,but why is it that i quality more sexual the time for my period.?

TITAN get rid of my stretch marks on my stomach. Its noninvasive (no surgery)
It cost almost $900 and took time to show results but after 6 months, it really looks good.
The Denis Austin Fit and Lite work out on Lifetime help me get rif of the pooch.
I hold 2 kids, 8 and 10 and started working out a year ago but hadn't been competent to get rid of the flab:)
Good luck!

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