Can i still see a gyno if I'm on my time?

I have a planned paternity STD screening/general gynocology appointment tomorrow.

I'm on my period. I'd retract if it weren't so urgent.

Can they still see me if I'm on my period, or are they going to take home me reschedule?

Woman question. please abet is you have experience.?

Generally they don't want you on your interval if they are going to do an internal exam. But it also depends on how heavy you're flowing. I would appointment and ask them what they want to do that way you are not canceling they are making the conclusion for you.

Backache problem?

It's best to go when you aren't on your spell.

I am currently thinking of having a sex renovation as i resemble a man more than a woman who do i go to for advice

Call first entity in the morning and ask them.

Ladies, your relieve, Period-problems!?

yes, but call and ask as some test require no menses!

Can i have menopause at 43?

It depends on how robust your period is at the time. A confident amount of bleeding is okay, but if it's too heavy, it will complicate things too much.

If you could buy with the sole purpose one thing from Lululemon, what would it be?

They are going to reschedule you if you are getting a pap interview so if you are go ahead and reschedule.(to permit the doctor know ahead of time)

I've had my interval for 2 years now and I solitary have it from approaching, June-October.?

Probably not, the women's clinic at my school say you can't have your length the day of your appointment. It could probably obstuct a clear panorama and possibly skew the results. SOrry but chances are you'll enjoy to reschedule.

How can tell if someone is pregnent?

I have my yearly screening and pap smear done once while I be on my period. They didn't clear me reschedule, but it wasn't really heavy at the time, any. You may want to call first article in the morning.

Help me out ladies.? will you?

i dont know if they would are not.. i in fact went surrounded by once because i was on my interval for almost 3 weeks.they new i be on my period and still looked-for me to come in ..luckily it stoped right when i get there..haha.. i guess the thought of sticking that cold meatle entity up there upset it

My boobs are too heavy, and its cause?

I would call them and ask of late to make sure. If you enjoy a very flimsy flow they probably won't care.
I Hope This Helps!

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