No Period surrounded by around 8 months?

I'm 15 years old and i first get my period when i be 12. I'm 100% certain that i'm not pregnant. I've be having, for give or take a few a month now, mild stomach pains that come and run during the day.

I'm don't really want to convey my mom because the last time i did she freaked out and asked me 12 times if i be having sex. Then she didn't telephone a doc. or anything.

So i'm wondering what to do. And if you say, "narrate your mom" then please relief me with what to say-so!

Answers:    I would say you should walk to your mom and tell her that you're concerned give or take a few how irregular your period is and that you want to be in motion to the doctor. She might ask you if you're sexually active, but adjectives you have to do is share her no and that you're just concerned around the fact that you've not have a period within 8 months. It might be nothing, purely that your body is still just adjust to having period. But it can also be a sign of PCOS or another problem.
Just tell your mom that you're concerned that you haven't have a period surrounded by 8 months because you haven't had sex and that you want to see a doctor. It could be a medical problem, but could basically be caused by stress or a lifestyle shift.

If you're sure that won't work, fake some other type of sick that she will take you to the doctor for, and once you're within, tell your doctor what's going on.

Good luck!
TELL YOUR MOM, shes the entity who is most likely to know what to do and cart you to a doctor, plus im sure she'll be very supportive. Did you own your period mildly when you be 12 and then is stopped and started a while subsequently? anyway, just be honest next to your mom and go to see a professional as the torment in your stomachcould indicate something more serious. Dont forget here are a lot of factor that can affect your periods, such as stress, diet, hormones and even the weather. Good luck and dont stress Simple , Mom i want to go to the doctor because i own some discomfort , and i was checking within the Internet and i am maybe have something that the gynecologist can rule out , don't worried mom don panic you are my friend and my mom. Can you support me please? don't said one more word and you will see the something suitable will come out be nice when you said this to your mom.

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