Ouch! Cramps! Help?

My stupid period cramps enjoy returned in full force.
Anything that I can do to at lowest feel clad again?

PLEASE I really want to know!!?

Well let's see, Take an Excedrin or and Ibuprofen first, Hot tea, Hot broth, Heating wipe on your tummy. Walking around the house, deep knees bends always help me. Just give yourself a time off until the worst is over. It other ends.

Just consider this the fact that you are feminine and part of the reality that you can make babies. Of course the eradication of this menstrual pain resources you can be pregnant. So consider it a badge of self female.

Doctors cannot stop adjectives pain. Trust me 25 years of intensely difficult periods, they of late cannot. Nurture yourself, and feel better.

Breaking a woman's hymen: (1) How exactly does one do it, beside a finger or what? ?

i'm not sure it it helps for time cramp...but...try to eat more bananas... some stuff contain in banana can facilitate prevent the production of a certain liquid in our body that will incentive cramp...


I would recommend trying a heating wipe or a hot water bottle if you own one, and another thing that I found supportive was to increase the horizontal of iron at that time by eating things similar to spinach, raisins, and peanut butter (if not allergic to peanuts of course). I found that the iron increase helped make less burdensome some of the menstrual flow.

If the cramping is so severe that you can't function then I would recommend seeing your dr for further evaluation to see what they muse is going on to cause this stomach-ache to be so severe.

I am crying. I was misundersttod by my colleqes who elder than me for 30 years olds. My boss tried to?

I usually use the herbal bags that you can put contained by the microwave and drink some (hot) tea. If that doesnt work or I will be busy that day afterwards I just use a Motrin or some strain killer.

WHAT is A ------? plz HELP??

Get Some heat pads from the Pharmacy. they work wonders, ( I know i hold very unpromising cramps to the point of fainting sometimes).. and some midol or Tylenol. Leave it on you Ovary nouns and relax.. it does help. Believe me...

Get Better...

Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

Why is this?

heatingpads hotwater in a water bottle try advill

Help me please!! read this!!?

i'd suggest you dont inspire continuous use of pain killer coz they prove harmful to the uterus surrounded by time.try soakin few grams of asofoetida in water for 1-2 hours next drink that water n swallow the asofoetida beside water(coz it wil b bitter).but i bet they help deeply. hav had experience myself. devout luk!

Girls only!?

midol and a sleep

Feeling panicked something like sex?

When I get my spell I tend to get cramps whether I am exercising or lay on the couch to get rid of them I pocket one tablet of Motrin. However when you try it look at the back to find out how oodles tablets to take. Good Luck!

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