Vaginal lump.?

Okay, so I have rather lump/nodule/swollen area on the inside of my vagina. I basically noticed it this morning, but it be hurting since a day or two ago. I be a virgin until a month ago when I gave my virginity to my boyfriend whom I love and whom I wait for. I've only have sex with him and it's other been protected and we are both verbs. I don't know if it could be a swolen lymph node because I've never had problems since...does anyone know what it could be?

Why don't my breasts have any sensitivity?

There are glands down in attendance that, due to the nature of the surroundings, go and get blocked from time to time. You will find that it will purge soon by releasing pus. Gross I know but this happens to some women plentifully. Wear cotton briefs because they breathe.

Why do girls take up drinking and smoking? Is smoking more injurious to girls than boys?

Vaginal Wart
I dunno but this is my guess

What are vaginal wart?

Vaginal warts are cause by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts are benign tumors of the epidermis.

Vaginal warts are similar to wart that can develop on your hand. They may grain like a bump and can be any rather massive or rather small. When the virus (HPV) is contracted, it can any cause one wart or copious warts.

Vaginal wart are also called genital wart and venereal warts.

How are Vaginal Warts Detected?

Vaginal wart can be detected during a pap smear. However, vaginal warts are sometimes difficult to detect. They are difficult when the wart are present on the inner area of the vagina.

What does a Vaginal Wart Look Like?

Vaginal wart vary contained by appearance. They vary surrounded by size and shape. Some vaginal warts look approaching tiny bumps while others look like cauliflower-shaped growths.

How are Vaginal Warts Transmitted?

Vaginal wart are very contagious. They are most habitually transmitted via direct skin to skin contact. Sexual contact is one of the most common ways to transmit vaginal wart.

How are Vaginal Warts Treated?

Treatment of vaginal warts will depend on the size of the wart. Smaller wart can be treated by applying medication to the infected area. Larger wart may need to be surgically removed or frozen rotten.

After the vaginal wart is removed or goes away, more vaginal wart may appear. More vaginal warts may appear because the virus that created your body still lives within your body.

Sex for the first time?

can be herpes and maybe he lied to you just about being verbs.

Is this withdrawl bleeding?

not to worry, its probaly an ingrown curls. it looks grosser than it is. let it restore to health on its own.

All of the flat girl wear bras and i dont! it is so embarassing!?

Hmm.. Im not sure what it is, it could be a wart or some kinda herpies. Or it could just be non-hazardous and goes away. If it hurts, perchance you should go see a doctor simply in satchel.

Sports physical???

Instead of asking on here you should be asking at the OBGYN -_-

I've missed my period for 2 months going on 3 and I'm a virgin is that regular?

ken yoo sez MANGINA?!

My period is one to two weeks behind time each month. What are some things that may be cause this?

get in to c the Doc... meanwhile, soak contained by as hot as u can stand it baths. If u have some brackish put that in the hose as well.

It could b a wart or jst a cyst... within is a medical name for it, it's too long to spell. I've have several & they went away from soakin in hot tub w/ brackish several times. Even several times a day.

& not necessarly r they cause from having sex.

But to Doc & bear hot tub baths w/ salt.

How do you integer out when you get your time bu using the whole math and calendar entry??

go to the Gyn, it could be a cyst.

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