Answer if you're 13-17, Question: Do you buy your pad by yourself, or does your mom do it for you/with you?

i'm just wondering cause it's be a while and i haven't told my mom i have my period and she unmistakably hasn't made the assumption that i have it.

Should i go out and buy them by myself? or does it look unusual for a fourteen year old to buy them herself?
Drugstore is really close btw.

Answers:    no i buy mine. Im 14 too. I usualy just pick some up really in the blink of an eye and then go to a currency register with a female check out party. That way its less akward...I once accidently go to the nearest check out and there was this similar to 16 year old guy at the cash register and it be akward cuz i had like 2 boxes of super plus tampons!! ahh but no haha its really not that discouraging. just go to a string with a female check out creature. It wont be akward and she wont ask you anything of say anything akward, just administer her the money and go!! haha.
Hi, I'm 13 (14 In like a week) and I buy my tampons my self most the time. But if my mom know I'm out She'll buy them for me. I go to target to get mine, they hold all brands and there cheap. I tramp right up to the counter my self (I go in the store myself). It's strange the first time you do it, but look for a woman cashier. It's was a bit embarrassing when I did it, but you may want to tell your mom. She'll apprieate it. Good luck! I told my mom and she go with me. It's really important to be within an open relationship with both of your parents, because next they can help you when you need it. For example, I started my spell this morning and I got cramps for the very first time since I've be having my period. Anyways, they be so bad that I was crying, so my mom comforted me and brought me some Ibeuprofin. Parents are in attendance to help :).
my mom buys me pads cuz they are adjectives the same, but i buy tampons or put them in the picnic basket when we go cuz she doesnt know what i want. plus just produce sure that it is an older woman who is helping you(not a hot guy) and make sure that not a soul man is ner you. plus bring a bag that no one can see threw if you are walking. my mom died when i be 9 so when i first got mine, i went ahead and bought some myself. and after when my dad found out..he wanted his mom side to come out so he went next to me to buy them (so i wouldnt have to use my own money). it was embarassing at first, considering that he is mannish, but i used to it..
Wait, your mom doesn't know? Why haven't you told her? How long have you had it? How do you secrete it from her?

And no, girls are getting their periods very young-looking now (i was 11)so it won't be unexpected for a fourteen year old to buy pads.

but i do regard you should tell your mom..
yh if u want u can its no big deal jus spawn sure u get ultra slim
but i would suggest tellin ur mom cause moms requirement to no that stuff wen i first got mine i didnt think it woudl be a big matter to tell her but i got panicky soo i got my firend to do it, werid i no right but it she didnt make a big promise out of it which was good casue my bros be right there lol When I lived with my mom's home, I've had my stepdad buy them for me. :D My mom would buy them because usually I didn't leave the house. I buy pad because I don't want my dad too and my stepmom doesn't have periods anymore.

It's not abnormal for a female to be buying tampons/pads..
I go buy them sometimes but mostly my mother does because I don't usually be in motion to the store when she does and she just buys them automatically when we are getting low.
But dont be embarassed.
I wasn't when i first bought them.
Its no problem.
Be proud of being a woman.
And guess about the GUYS that have to budge buy them for the wives, girlfriends or daughters.
Thats how i got through it..
I usually just jump with my best friend and find the cutest cashier and look at his facade the whole time :) haha its very amusing
:) It's also completely fine to travel alone. Women/girls need to take effort of their needs. If the cashier looks at u beside a smirk or something.. just tell him to find over it. haha

Good Luck!.
Why is it weird to tell your mom?
It's the best to relate her. And once you do that you can both go and buy them.
And it wouldn't look weird for a 14 year hoary to do it.
I do it all the time alone. But my mom also knows..
run ahead and tell ur mom
its a normal article that evry women goes through as u know
my mom was in fact excited when i got mine..yeah my mom is weird but i love her;]
anyway do anything you mom normally buys my just bc she go shopping while im at scholl and gets them then
polite luck!!.
my mom usually buys them but i have bought them for myself a few times and don't worry it won't look odd, maybe go up to a womanly cashier if you still feel uneasy when i forst get it my mom got them for me but now the house keeper get them for me because they know what kind i want.

autoatically they a moment ago buy them for me, my mom, and my sister.
I'm 19. But I started my period when I was 12. I bought them. My mother made me so I wouldn't be fretful to do it in the future. It's a middle-of-the-road body function. No need to feel chance or nervous. I go next to my mom, because i dont have a car. lol
if i did ego go alone i guess.
if your really uncomfortable go and get a top or something to cary infront of it lol.
She buys them for me.
I don't really have all that much money to spend on things close to that.
Just tell her, she'll get them for you. .
Well usually my mom get them for me, just because she picks them up while grocery shopping so I always own them when I need them. BUt it wouldnt look weird its a everyday body function. well i just give somebody a lift them out of the pakage and shove them down in my underwear because it is too embarrasing just dont receive caught( tampons work better).
My mom always pays for them.but i'm usually there if she buys them otherwise i buy them ...but she pays...but hey sometimes my boyfriend even buys them if he's out and i entail them :P Ussualy I go with my mom to the store and pick them out, but by immediately she knows which ones I use..
my mom buys pads for me, but i buy the tampons cuz she really doesn't know what i want. My mom buys them for me. If you own the money, you can buy them yourself. It's nothing to be weird in the region of. It's natural.
Hai, whats wrong with its your spell time and you must buy your pads. Nothing wrong in it ask 4 some money for bathroom supplies and buy it urself, afterwards make sure she sees what you bought so u dont in actuality have to say it.
this is abnormal because im a guy but if the cash regester guy/girl asks just vote its for your mom why would it look weird, it's a normal bodily function.
i buy my own its really not that doomed to failure i only buy them myself cause my dad bought the 4 my once.TOTAL MISTAKE! u shud communicate ur mom, but i don't think it's weird 4 u 2 buy them urself..
i buy them myself..specially tampons..but sometimes is a moment ago throw them in the shopping cart uhm i hold my mommy buy them for me at the weekly grocery store! lol.. yeah, my mum does it for me! lol

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