What is pitted edema?

I saw 2 different doctors this week ( my gyno and my primary care) and both couldnt see anything wrong with my leg. My husband thought it looked swollen the other morning when he gave me a massgae but the doctors couldnt see anything. Wouldn't the doctors own seen pitted edema if I have it? It hurts to walk and the dull pain starts from my lower back and my inner thigh. I have blood work( metabolic profile) and CBC and the doctor said it all looked great. Could I own the pitted edema and both doctors overlooked it?

Is this bad?

What make you think it's pitting edema?
Do you own ill vigour?
Your Sciatic nerve runs from the middle of your cheek down the put a bet on of your leg.
Sciatica first aid
The term sciatica (sometimes misspelled "ciatica" or "siatica") is used to describe anguish that radiates down the course of the sciatic resolve, which starts from each side of the lower fund, extends down the back of the thigh, and into the foot.
This type of affliction is caused by compression of cheek roots in the lower part of the pack of the spine, which merge together to form the sciatic nerve within the pelvis. Pain may result from a variety of conditions, including disc problems. The apt news, however, is that most cases of sciatica are not serious and will find better within a few days or weeks.
When the sciatica affliction flares up, it is helpful to know several option that can be used to help alleviate the torment and discomfort and help you to efficiently return to your normal commotion.
Cold and heat treatment for sciatica
Ice and fry sources are easily available, inexpensive, and usually slightly effective contained by treating sciatica.
A cold pack or ice application can make smaller inflammation and numb sore tissue, alleviating some of the pain surrounded by the sciatic nerve. This should be used initially when aching is sharp and intense, usually for 2 to 7 days, depending on the severity of the pain.
Heat dilates blood vessel, increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the area, which assists within healing. Applying steam also stimulates sensory receptors in the skin, so the brain focuses smaller quantity on the pain of sciatica. This is best used after the acute, sharp cramp has subsided, typically 3 to 7 days after the start of the condition.

How fruitless goes it hurt?

Maybe try seeing a bone/joint doctor or a chiropractor. Maybe you in recent times have a pinched sassiness. I'd say if it hurts, find a doctor to be precise willing to sustain you find a solution. If your doctor just not here it at that, saying everything be fine, get a second assessment from another doctor. Hope this helps.

If you see blood surrounded by the toilet does that mean you are staring your extent?

It is pitting edema and is generally found on the leg below the knees. You can check yourself, just grain your shin bone and press in about partially way down firmly. If you quit behind a cavernous pit then you own pitting edema.

With your symptoms I would be more concerned that you have strained your support in some agency. Try sleeping on your back near two pillows under your lower legs and see if that help the pain. Also apply some bake to your lower back. Hope you grain better soon!

I think I may enjoy Menopause?

It's actually "pitting edema" and it's unlikely that a medical professional would enjoy missed it. You can tell if you own pitting edema by pressing your fingers into your leg - usually right above the ankle. If the impression of your fingers stays for more than a few second then you own pitting edema. If by some chance you own the edema - then check better up on your leg to see where it ends, if it's at or above your knees afterwards you need to see the doctor again - soon!

The affliction sounds a bit like sciatica cramp but it's hard to give an account from your description.

Masturbation question?

depending on how outmoded you are you may have developed what's call spinal stenosis or a narrowing of the spine which can interfere with nerves and end in the pain you are describing. it could also be a pinched guts if you have a buldging disk or a strained muscle. here are several things that could be causing your spasm. if the pain isn't on an upward curve i would go subsidise to your primary care doc.

pitting edema is when the edema or (fluid build-up) is so much that when you press your finger into it for a few second and then cart your finger off you can see the indent of your finger. if it is edema it could be due to some kidney function, or heart function issues or a medication that you may be taking.

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