Is this strange or wierd?
no method! guys do it all the time why cant you do it i say-so go for it girl!
Does hysterectomy start the menopause?
weirdno its common give it a try
Do i hold a vaginal infection?
A little unusual but attraction isn't based solely on age.that is one piece you have to pay attention of=as you get elder and like to be around immature boys ,after the age of 18 ,you could go to send down for it
Any natural cures or remides for cramps?
in time 3 or 4 years will appear like zilch to you . later still 10 years difference will give the impression of being like nil .so long as you don't find yourself leading this boy along much faster after he would have if you have not been around consequently i say its adjectives good.
Are Yeast Infection 1 dose treatments significant?
yes this is weird.It would be weird if he looked approaching a little boy but...
If he doesnt who care?
Go for it=]
Absolutely nil wrong with that at adjectives. If you both like respectively go for it
I in recent times got stale The Pill and now I'm extremely Horny all the time. Is that common?
Yes. You should not be dating a 13 year old boy! That is gross- he is lately starting puberty and your not! Plus in a couple of years, it will be rape on your part. Your too infirm for him. I wouldn't go arouind recitation too many race about this. Can't you date someone your own age? Give it a try. Its betetr- i promise!- Getting married, birth control, what to do!?
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- Period give support to. ( added info)?
- What?
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- Any gp's or nurses please?