The pill?

I am due to be on my period for my holiday, which is a huge inconvenience, because i suffer from severe pains and sometimes sickness. I've hear that when you take the pill you can choose when to hold your period, and it also stops pains. But does it work, does it result in bad skin, and does it cause you gain weight?

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alot of these problems caused by the pill are dependant on what pill you are on and how your body adapt to it.

i am on mercilon which, has not cause me to gain weight and my skin is fine. it is true i can choose to skip my interval by continuing with my pill instead of taking the week break.

if your holiday is in next couple of months, i doubt totally much that you will be able to skip your length as it takes a apt couple of months for your body to adapt to the pill and to catch into a routine.

speak to your doctor for advice.

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The pill does aid with menstrual cramping and keep your period pretty flimsy. And if you skip the sugar pills at the end of the pack and start a exotic one right away, you can skip your period for the month. The pill certainly cleared my skin up for me, but maybe some women enjoy a different reaction to it and some of the pills out here will make you gain for a moment weight. Your doctor can sustain you pick one with a low instance of side-effects.

What is the years of getting ur first length?

Most pills you take for 3 weeks and afterwards have a weeks break and this is when your time is. If you are due on at an inconvenient time then you can verbs to take it after the 3 weeks, not have a break and then you won't hold a period.
But you can't choose your length all the time. Once you start it next your in a cycle of 3 weeks on, one week past its sell-by date and so on.

You don't say when your holiday is, so it conceivably to late to start the pill and carry it working effectively in time.

Some pills can make you can bulk are so I found. But mostly is due to water retention to some extent than the pill. That's what my doctor told me when I said the pill had made me put on mass.

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im sorry to say at hand is no straight answer,i know this isnt what you want to hear but each being varys so some it might cause bleak skin others might gain weight and others will be fine. You might of late have to purloin a chance and see what happen but either road you cant choose when you can have your time of year as the pill will work with your body so it will agree on when you have your extent, some women dont have just about anythinfg and other women will still have a term whilst others have heavier period whilst on the pill.
If you are considering thisd though i would recommend you talk it through near a gp or nurse as they will be able to explain to you about side efffects,etc.
Hope this help and good luck.x.

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If you just want the pill for your holiday you can transport northisterone prescribed by your GP over your holiday then own you period after. I did this but i did receive my period after my holiday really stout and painful (out of the tedious for me).
But if you want the pill for contraseptives then budge to your GP or family planning clinc and they will speech to you and prescribed the best one for you.
If you want the pill to help beside painful period and all the horrible stuf us women go through later the GP is your best bet. That is what i ended up doing - going on the pill due to my period getting really heavy and i begin to feel sick as wel (the pill really helps)
It does work!!
Dont infer it causes fruitless skin - it helped near my spots!!
Gaining weight surrounded by some women it does but most i dont think it does mayb a pound or 2 but nought major. Go to your GP and adjectives these queres and your periods and your holiday will be sorted.
All the best
Have a honourable holiday :)

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