Girls solely. . .?

My nipple will start to itch and sometimes i'm in public so i don't stratch it. Sometimes when i'm within school it starts to do this I don't want to stratch it it would be abnormal to be stratching my nipple. So i ignore it and try to forget in the region of, but lately it's been taking place more and it's getting worse. What can I do about this? Thanks for the help out.

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Boobs mostly start to itch when they are in the process of growing! So thats a accurate sign! Haha... otherwise it is probably just some dryness or I don`t know even the laundry soap you use on your bras could be irritating your skin ( did you or your mom switch to a different kind that usual? ) Check it out!!

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Hmm...I'd guess it's cause by either dryness or a possible infection. Dryness is more potential, try getting some Urea cream and applying daily. If it doesn't restore, go see your doctor or naturopath.

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maybe its dry apply some emolument on it before academy to keed it moist it shouldn't itch that much, If you use lotion it may rub off faster but if its adjectives you have next use that see if that helps.

What time of the month can you enjoy safe sex?

put diaper imprudent cream it is safe.If symptom continue see a dermatologist.

Girl Help??

I can't help you beside this but I can relate. I get that every presently and then and thought I be just strange lol....
For a while I used to put hand cream on my nipples contained by hopes of it helping and sometimes it did other times it did not.
Perhaps I'll find an answer here that will help me as well....


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Hey, I am terrably sorry roughly this, ( me answering it ). I am not a female. However, I deduce if you put some lotion on it because it may be dead skin or dry at smallest and lotion will rehydrate your skin. Give this a try, and I wish you the best of luck.

I'm 40. Severely depressed. Can it be Menopause? I hold irregular periods.?

Its probably lately the eather.. It happens to me too... Try some lotion or newborn oil, that should give a hand :)

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