Period Problems?

My friend (and roommate) has be too embarressed to ask her doctor about her extent problems. I am really worried because she has have her period for just about a month now. She say that she does not feel dizzy or anything. Her time just never terminated. I am trying to convince her to go to her doctor but I she don't want to turn. does anyone have any notion what is wrong?

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i once bled for one year straight! i have an IUD and it caused it somehow. she should bring some iron supplement for sure. and's not normal and she should progress the dr. a period is a shedding of your uterus...she could hold a tumor or a cyst.

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I don't know what is wrong... but is it a normal interval? if it is just spotting, she might be pregnant. update her it is very defining for her to go to the doctor because she is loosing too much blood if it is a middle-of-the-road period. i hope everything works out very well!

What is the problem?

If she is on birthcontrol then that can be a average side effect. It could also be reversed endometreosis, which instead of not bleeding you bleed all the time and specifically a serious condition and needs to be treated by her physicain

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she should go to the doctor because she might hold a cyst. he will put her on birth control and then it will adjectives be better.

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