Is it true if girls own sex for the first time, they will bleed?

Is it true if girls have sex for the first time, they will bleed? Is the bleeding intensely heavy or basically a minute amount?


not all the time

Girls individual plz help?


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if they are on there term ewww

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sometimes but not other and not a lot if it does develop.

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Not adjectives girls, but some, a minimal amount. Others, it can be lots. If you've ever seen any vampire movies, you know its simply gallons gushing everywhere, pretty gross if u ask me.

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It depends on the person. Your hymen might rip, and if it does, it will be the amount of blood that a tear would bleed.

Heeelllpppp plz?

its not a unconditional but they can

Just want to double check?

Its likely.. and the intention for that is because of tear of your skin or tissue.. it shouldnt be a lot. But take heed, and make sure you use lubrication and protection!

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Its true but it is not as doomed to failure as you think, its one and only a little and stops right away.

Brown bleeding between period with birth control pills.?

If you haven't already broken your hymen all the same you will bleed the firs time you have sex when they hymen rips. It is usually a short time ago a small amount.

Something inside my vagina.?

Usually, but not very much. There is a break of hemorrhage, but it's pretty rare.

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Yes, that is true.
Due to the "Cherry popping", it cause it to bleed.
And it also might cause a bit of distress.

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: ) some does and some don't

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your not supposed to, but some girls enjoy told me they have. I didn't.

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Yeah you can because the vagina walls strech and will bleed after a amount of time

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it depends on the woman...there might only just be a teeny bit, there might be a few drops.

its not exactly a gushing wound, its okay ^_^

near is bleeding because the hymen...a thin broken.

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Equestrians tend not to bleed the first time they have sex.

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usually its not a huge amount, but it really depends on the girl. When i lost my virginity I bleed outstandingly very little. And I hold heard some girls not bleeding at adjectives. Its also the same similar to with how much agony you feel the first time, I feel none and others are in profoundly of pain. It adjectives depends on the individual :)

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Not to be candid but it depends on the size of the guy's penis also if he is rough or gentle.

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i dont think they bleed...

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it adjectives deppends..

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If you haven't had sex on the other hand, wait, in attendance are alot of bad diseases out here you can get from have sex and if you aren't careful you could enjoy a baby 0_0. There are copious books about sexuality at the library, and sources on the internet.If you know an elder girl personally, make conversation with her too.

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not all women bled when they own sex for the first time. i would imagine that if they do bled, it should singular be a small amount for a small amount of time.

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some do. believe it or not thugh most girl break their hymens from something else until that time they ever have sex. Bicycles, tampons, masturbation, even of late stretchng and doing the splits can do it. Those girls generally don't utter anything about it though for unease of sounduing like they weren't tru virgins. Girls want to read aloud how much it hurt and how much they bled as a way of proving they be true virgins, but it's usually not the case.

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it depends. if it broke then individual a little blood. everyone is different. some will not bleed.

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