Weird lower departed side twitching movement doesnt hurt?

well i thought i was pregnant produce i skip a month but then i have a period for june and adjectives of my home pregnancy test come back negitive and so when i started contained by june i didnt think anything of it freshly thought it was stressed but everyday lately i seam to get hold of several twitching , spasms on my lower left side they dont hurt merely feel odd and i can see my side move , i have a 9 month feeble son and it reminds me of when he would kick me, but i dont reflect on its that cause i started this month and adjectives of the test since i started came rear negivtive soo i am stuck and i dont have insurance to move about to the doctor , please help , sometimes its close to it wont stop moving

When will i get my spell?

thats in your leader. you wouldnt have movement you could grain at two months. specially that you can see moving, sorry you had a interval this month you arent pregnant

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