Chest pains?

im 23 years old and ever since i can remember i obtain terrible chest pains that barly agree to me sleep at night. I've gone to the doctor and adjectives they tell me is that its stress and most predictable gas. I don't feel stress but i do assume its gas sometimes, when i burp i feel greatly better but then the stomach-ache comes back again.. what can i do to kind it goo away it drives me crazy!
What foods should i prevent that give gas?

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As far as gas-producing foods, you can try running a explore for "gas producing foods" or "gassy foods". As far as stress, you may need to see a mental form professional who can help you identify the cause and come up with decisive coping mechanisms. You may even stipulation a low-dose medication to help at first. And we are ALL lower than stress whether or not we know it.

One other thing you can try is to "rule out". Omit persuaded foods from your diet and see what happens. Start next to all dairy products. Add simethicone (it's OTC and is surrounded by Gas-X, etc.) to your daily routine. This may sustain.

It has be suggested that you may have hiatal hernia or sore. You haven't described the symptoms for either of these so don't verbs.

My vagina?

could be hiatal hernia - i would [pose that to them

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Does the pain run into your left arm pit? Could be a stomach or esophageal sore.
If taking Maalox antacid helps, that's probably it.
Go to another doctor if you merely saw one.

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Do not drink foods that contains acids like citrus fruits lemons,oranges and never munch through fatty foods like fatty food and eggplant or grilled stuff get a great deal of protein milk cheese and get your self some tums when you be aware of pain embezzle a tum it will relief right away and you can even try to drink a chamomile tea

I get the impression really strange?

Try eating more slowly. Many individuals ingest air as they get through because they aren't chewing their food enough. This can raison d`??tre the feeling of gas or chest pressure. If this persist you should definitely consult another physician for a second feelings.

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