When will i get my time?

when will i get my first time? i have this discharge for a really long time very soon. like almost 2 yrs i reflect. and often take a really heavy discharge and consequently it stops. the discharge usually is all the time but sometimes it stops (but not for long). i am REALLY moody, my boobs r really sore, and my back hurts, and i am gettting desperate cramps. this has also be happening for a while very soon. i hear somewhere when u r underweight that ur body stops ur period or make it not come. i am almost 13 im 5'4 and i weigh 79lbs. could that be y? i am just so confused right in a minute..

Can anyone help me? No thing what i eat my stomach is other bloated?

i think ur cargo haz little to do with ur preiod and i meditate u will get ur interval soon and u really dont have zilch 2 worry around cuz u still have a few years in the past u should panic am 16 i get my at 14 but being moody is a moment ago really a teen thing sore boobs hindmost pain yes exceedingly soon honey best of luck if u dont get it soon dont freak if u dont enjoy it like 18 or 17 after i would worry love u worthy luck

Girls, Please Answer!?

maybe u need to gain a bit weight

Do pills affects sex arousal?

You should gain rather weight to relieve your body, 79 pounds, in my inference, is a bit light.

Im a cheerleader and I presently have my time of year?

yeah you are really underweight just close to my little sister your age 13. maybe because you are elevated unlike me and im 105lb &14. just dally you will have your spell which i just get off mine yesterday thank god`!

A sign that you are around to get your interval?

Your diet, lifestyle, sexuality, age, and weight enjoy a lot 2 do near wether or not u get your spell, how many cramps u acquire, how heavy the flow, how long it last, ect. I got mine when I be 11. Sometimes if your period is irregular, your Doctor can put u on birth control 4 a few months until it's more regular. It sounds 2 me close to it's on it way thou.....procure the pads geared up! Welcome 2 womanhood!!

Female health?

umm...not to criticize because i know how it feel to be underweight, but (not in a rude way) but empire that underweight (like anorexics) dont get their period until very unsettled. if you only weigh 79 lbs at 5'4 to be exact VERY unhealthy and your body is relating you that you are not ready to fetch a baby

i am 5'6 and i weigh 95 lbs and its on the verge of unsavoury but im very slim and own not much muslce, so its ok for me, but if i lose 3 lbs then ego worry

its impt for you at this age to eat closely and your not gonna go through normal stages if you dont eat

i kno that some nation are naturally skinny and cant relief it, but most of those get their period by 13, and unless you are doing a vigorous sport day by day and are over excersizing, you should have gotten your spell by now unless you hold some sort of eating disorder

sorry if i be a little rude, my point be that this is a very impt growth stage surrounded by your life, and by not drinking (which i am assuming, srry) you are stunting your growth which is the most likely explanation you havnt gotten your period

there also is the accidental that it is in your genes to enjoy a late interval and if you are very stirring your body may not feel prepared to have a kid until much later (like 16) but if you are adjectives yourself in anyway, you really involve to eat

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