Should I shave my arm pits? Im 16, a girl, and never shaved my body in my enthusiasm. Is this normal? Probably not..


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Well I've never hidden why women shave their armpits, legs, crotches, etc. unless they're trying to attract pedophiles.

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its abou time! sorry not to e mingy but come on for reals yeah
its time!

Epilator Experience Please?

must do otherwise excess hair growth will catch together and body warmth and sweat will head to enormous growth of skin germs leading to boils,carbuncle in the axilla

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yes hun, its time... mwah

all the best

Ultrasound Bill?

if you enjoy a lot of underarm pelt, then its shipshape and healthy to quality clean, so merely try waxing past you let the blade get you, as you may start getting unnecessary infections if you cant touch the razor in good health, its tricky site for self shaving for first time. i advice wax for neat, verbs, healthy and longer mane free armpits.


no thats not normal i started shaving at 12 years frail ...when you shave your armpits be carful you don't want to get cut threre..its sensitive spot..

How do you operate with your interval?

Yes probably, that is the to speak but explicitly also up to what makes you well!

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well if you dont need to afterwards dont worry nearly it. just count your blessings and savour it while it lasts!

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I think most girls do shave their armpits. I started when I be younger than you. It is very expeditious and easy to do. Lather up your armpits next to regular soap or whatever you use surrounded by the shower - by which I mean that you probably don't want special shaving gel unless you have really sensitive skin. I find that my deodorant works better when my armpits are free of curls and shave there 2-3 times a week. It's cooler too and looks nicer if your armpits can be see.

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idk if it's customarily but you really! need to start shaving as a masculine I find excessive body hair really gross.

The substance that comes in the past my period is not clear but kinda gluey and white?

You're not a freak and should'nt be treated as one because you're 16 and have even so to shave.
It all depends on you, I know a girl in highschool who chose not to shave and if anyone said anything snide to her nearly it, she'd make them be aware of like a total idiot.
Personally, I dislike hair.. so do what you want, do what you don't want, but don't tolerate some lame twerp at school put you down for your conclusion. :)

Breast enlargement?


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