Can extensive exercise formulate your period unsettled?

I have started training for a heroic and have be running A LOT. Can so much exercise make my term late?

When should my daughter start shaving her legs?

It's not at adjectives uncommon for feminine athletes to lose their period when body large levels drop significantly. This is call amenorrhea and is almost always experienced at some point by feminine long-distance runners. I didn't have a time of year for 7 months in my senior year of glorious school between running track and cross country and entering every 10k I could. Don't verbs about it - delight in it!!

Is it possible to get any STDs by using the pulling-out method?

I don't imagine so that should not change anything!

When you bring back your period do u wear a Tampon when you be in motion swimming?

It sure can ! Exercise and drinking a lot of fluids will get it late.

Is it middle-of-the-road to miss a period when youre on birth control?

absolutely. it can be paid it late.

What are the different types of bacterial infections?

yes it can. if your body works to complex it slows t down dont worry your not pregant.

What does this discern like.?

yes, it's call amenorhea, something like that.

I am 36 (nearly 37) - do you contemplate I'm old?

Yes Excercise can produce your period deferred.but then again so can anyone pregnant. Go get a tryout honey, better to know now, then to verbs abou ti.

Depo-provera shot?

yes. i sometimes skip months at a time. during crosscountry.
so just soak up the lateness and good luck on your classic.

Waxing for black & mixed race girls?

True. Alot of women who run within the Olympics, never have a spell.

Can you get pregnant from prec**?

Yes... i chew over its coz ur body changes... more muscle, smaller quantity fat.. smaller amount weight.. that genus of thing affects hormones.. so... messes up ur time..

Can you test pos for pregnancy past implantation bleeding?

i run a lot too and drink a ton of dampen, it made mine late. i stopped running as much and the subsequent month i got 2.(LOL )(which be by some weird kismet. ) all your hormones metamorphosis and stuff, it's fine.

What is a female circumcision?

It sure will, contained by fact most women who regularly do strenuous sports are exercise don't own periods every month.

I havent have a period since i be 15 and im 17. whats wrong wit me?

Yes it can. The two major things that correct menstrual cycles are exercising more or changes, and stress!

When a girl have an orgasm does that mean she hollered or get really wet?

The feminine body is fragile. If you do things to make it strain, no recounting what could happen. My freind did bulky work for years and when she had her final child she actually give birth to her uterus also. Gross I know. Just be carefull and call your doc.

Why do i have a feeling this way?

It depends on how extensive your exercise is, but it categorically can. Major women athletes have irregular period, some don't get them for months.

How can i loose counterweight really fast. I dont want to starve myself. HELP!!1?

It's not the amount of exercise that will stop your menstruation, but the removal of body fat. If your bodyfat percentage falls below a spot on point, your period will stop. We see it commonly with athletes and anorexics. Now, we're discussion below 5-8% bodyfat, here.

Does anybody just approaching to lay down and relax all the time?

if ur not use to it,,,,,,,,,, yes,,,,,,,, thats added stress,,,,, and stress can enjoy an affect

How can I skip periods?

Yes. It can basis your period to be slowly or you can even miss your period.

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