Can your menstral cycle make over after have sex?

If a women has sex and then she is delayed to coming on her time of year is there something wrong besides pregnancy


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Yes, having sex can correction your menstrual cycle (especially if it's the first time you've had sex). Also, if you have sexual relations beside the same person over a time of time, your period is likely to become more regular. Changing sexual partner all the time may result in irregular menstrual cycle.

However, cause sure that you're not pregnant, have been infected near an STD (sexually transmitted disease) or having hormonal anomaly.

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Is this a new relationship? There can be excited stress, good and bad, beside that. And stress can really throw off your cycle. My friend was panic last week that she was pregnant by her up to date boyfriend, but it must have just be stress because her period finally came roughly 9 days late.

20 something - never be to the gynecologist? Bad?

only entity that would cause problems with your cycle is pregnancy, STD or hormone problems. any way, you should go see a doc.

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