Can you seize pregnant from prec**?

Thanks my schools sex ed program sucks and i be curious


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Yes you can, so don't ever be careless. There are alot of myths that say aloud girls can't get pregnant their first time, or contained by certain positions.
You could catch pregnant your first time if you were flaccid from a ceiling fan. ALWAYS use protection, and don't ever trust a boy still contained by high conservatory to have plenty control to "pull out surrounded by time." Even though he may want to, he's still not fully in control of adjectives his reactions, and it's other the girl who pays the price.

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Ok, I'm going to tell you this to silence your nerves if you've just have sex and are worried about a bun contained by the oven. Pre- comes from the prostate, a different place than the semen which is the "baby batter". Pre- does not contain semen, or sperm, and that`s why cannot get you pregnant. However, if a man have ejaculated and not urinated after ward, semen can still be in the urethra which can be carried out surrounded by the pre-. So, yes, it's possible to get you pregnant, but not unbelievably likely.

The infamous cut?

Yes, you can. A single drop of pre-come contains give or take a few 100,000 sperm - more if he has ejaculate recently (which most teen males have)

A drop of semen has around 300 million sperm, but it only take one to get you pregnant.

That's why you should other put the condom on as soon as he gets unyielding, before he have a chance to produce pre-come. My friend have a baby girl in a minute, because they got pre-come on the outside of the condom.

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