I know this sounds grotesque but..?

once every couple of days i feel similar to breaking down and crying for no reason at adjectives. i know it is probably hormones,
but is it normall for a 12 year old girl?
and does anybody else(girls merely pleez)
feel resembling this at all?

I am a girl. 20. how to fashion my first time smooth?

I get this path too.It's probably hormones, and sometimes, everyone really just requirements a good cry, to cleanse out in attendance body.I would suggest a sad movie!

Should i pass a pad immediately or wait til i attain symptoms?

it could be hormonal as your body is changing to craft you a woman =hang in here it will pass beside time

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No dear, it's not weird. You hold changing hormones and adjectives the stress of being a youth! I hope you have devout friends that can be your support system - it's really important.

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OF COURSE. every girl have this problem and ur not alone. just suggest of positive things and go to someone u know will fashion u laugh. if it get really bad, see a psychoanalyst.

good luck =)

My girlfriend go tanning and she always have a spot on her back which never tans or get color. Whats wrong?

when i was 12 i have a similar problem. i would just start crying for no demonstrable reason. when my teacher saw a change contained by my behavior, they talked to me roughly it. u should just settle to ur mom or someone close to u, maybe a best friend, theyll comfort u.

When will i get my length?

This probably is normal. During puberty, hormones are adjectives out of whack and jumping from one mood to another for no reason is pretty adjectives.

However, if this persists and starts to interfere next to your life on a more usual argument, I'd suggest seeing someone to make sure that in that isn't something else wrong (depression).

But, don't worry, I go through a similar phase and believe me, it ends eventually.

Take care!

I hold a womanly question?

It may be hormones, but it may be depression. Talk to your mother or your conservatory counselor. See if you mother will take you to the doctor to rule out depression. The doctor may know how to give you something whether its depression or hormones. At 12, it could be PMS - PreMenstral Syndrom - if it is - it should finishing about 5 days every month - in attendance are over the counter pills for that - Midol PMS is one.

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That reminds me in "The River" when her mother explains that her body is changing, Harriet blurts out, "I needed to be an explorer!"

Your thoughts about the Pill?

no, step see a shrink.

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At 12, you're either around to begin puberty or enjoy just done so. Your hormones are adjectives over the map, and yes, they will affect your mood.

If you're still concerned about this, address with your college nurse.

BTW, those hormones being adjectives over the map have another affect on you as capably. For the first few years after your first period, your body is getting used to it's fresh role. That's the hormones all over the map and the mood problems. But that also money that until your body gets used to it's hot role, your cycle will probably not be regular. Don't worry roughly speaking it - it's completely normal.

Can a 12 year antiquated use a tampon?

Im 22 and I still get those urges...stress, hormones, enthusiasm! Completely normal!


well everyone is differnet.. Im 12, but i hold one friend who cries for no reason...have anything traumatic happened to you? sports car crash etc?

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