I purely started swimming hard again and my time got nice of irregular. It went away and do you judge it will

stay away for a while?


Which metod of contraception do female doctors choose for themselfs?

No, your interval could come at any time again. It could be instant, or it may be a while. It all depends on your body, and your diet sometimes. Well I hope that help you, thanks much!

Are my vulva OK?

It could stay away for awhile yes, when your hugely active you may not enjoy your period for a few months or so, completly typical!

What can I do about my menstrual cramps?

Yes they Will Return .Periods can Be irregular, postponed. Atheletes that are in intensive training can hold this problem.Usually returning to normal next to rest.

Which diet and exercise is good for growing b r e a s t?

It could stay away for awhile yes, but it will come again.. unless u have sex.

Are my boobs big?

Its called Amenorrhea. It can come about for alot of reasons.

Low body cargo - If you have lost immensity and are getting too skinny this can happen.

Thyroid disfunction - This happenned to me. I go a year without period and a simple blood test and thyroxine tablets fixed my problem.

There could be other cause and it would be best to see your doctor. They can easily do a blood theory test and check you out.

I was so frightened I wait a year and then found out it be easy to check it out and receive it sorted. Don't put it off.

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