Serious question something like yeast infection.?

I have a yeast infection. I own only have one other yeast infection and it was from a man i be dating and was cheating on me. I am married and very soon I have a yeast infection. I cannot conjecture of any reason I would own a yeast infection unless I got it from him. Besides antibiotics, (which I own not taken in a year), and prednisone (which I enjoy not taken in 6 months) is in attendance any other cause of a yeast infection?

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Yeast can overgrow in your vagina when near is a shift in your PH. If your vagina doesn't gain enoguh air, for instance if you wear jeans adjectives the time or if you leave sweaty clothes on after the gym this can also explanation a ripe enviroment for the yeast to overgrow. YOu always hold yeast in your vagina but the infection segment comes when it gets out of go together. Also yeast feeds on sugar so if you chomp through lots of sugar that can also cause a problem. Take acidophilos and bifidus to build up your friendly microbes. Don't use perfumed soaps on your vaginal nouns... that should help

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Manythings can cause a yeast infection. They are rarley STD related ( it may enjoy been a coincidence you get them while with your ex). Yeast infections are cause by a change contained by the PH in your vagina. Things that can rationale it is things like increased temp in the nouns usually caused by tight clothing or not wearing breathable materials approaching satin underware (cotton is the best to wear), or prolonged moisture like wearing a damp bathing suit too long. Sometimes yeast infections just crop up. Over the counter treatments are usually very significant.

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All yeast infections do not come from someone else. You can get a yeast infection by merely touching yourself down there. Any type of germs can get to it and here you go you've get one. Make sure you keep that nouns clean. If you masturbate, construct sure your toys are always verbs. If you use your fingers, you can get one by self too rough. Anyway Good Luck

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You can get a yeast infection from wearing tight pant, damp undies or bathing suit, wash down there too recurrently with soap, have a bath, adjectives kinds of reason. Yeast grows down there essentially, it's usually only when the pH and moisture level get disrupted that it grows uncontrolled as a yeast infection.

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You assume that someone or something is giving you yeast. You always hold yeast in that nouns. It is in a fragile stability. Anything, including tight underwear, douching, using a different type of soap, ect, that changes the ph of that nouns can cause a yeast infection. Unless in attendance are any reasons whatsoever for you to dream up your husband is cheating besides the yeast, assume that he isnt cheating, and your body just isn't positive about something.

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Sugar is a flawless culprit for yeast. Any kind or form of sugar. Large amounts grounds the yeast to be activated. We adjectives have yeast surrounded by our bodies but it takes something to set in motion it. Look at everything that you eat and cut adjectives sugar out for a month and try a thorough detox. You can buy them at your nearest health food store. That is the solely way to receive rid of it. The doctor prescribed and over the counter creams only cover the symptoms. Hope this helps

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It looks approaching you've gotten a lot of worthy answers.

Wanted to add that too much sugar can basis yeast to grow out of whack in your body. Also, consuming profoundly of yeasty foods like breads, etc.

Yeast is inherently present in the vagina, as is germs. It's a delicate go together and a number of things can set it bad.

What if during your 1st time..?

If u had an yeast infection (which is also call candida albicans- a bacteria, that can stay contained by latent interval for years) before and it be not treated well, which happen very frequently, next this bacterias can start being stirring as soon as your immune system will go a bit lower. It also can achieve active from wearing to tight jeans, impose they make a reheat and wet conditions contained by your perineal and vaginal area and this is what the yeast infections resembling the most.

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Yeast infections are not STDs. You actually did not procure it from being cheated on or from sex at adjectives. Your body has readily occurring yeast and bacteria within it. Something upsets the balance and one grows uncontrolled becoming an infection.

Besides antibiotics the most common basis of yeast infections is a simple change within the balance of your pH.

It's everyday and so extremely common. It is other a good belief to see your doc if you're unsure but any OTC yeast infection cure you can buy at your local pharmacy will have it cleared up within about a week. It take the same amount of time for the 7, 3, and 1 daylight treatments. The difference is just a event of convenience.

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