Any doctors Lexapro?

My girlfriend has only just started taking Lexapro for anxiety. She has be on it for rughly a week now, but she seem more anxious and depressed than before she started taking it (I am sure the pressure of finals and her post isn't helping either) Aslo shes losing weight and is have trouble sleeping? Is there anything I or her can do to curb this? Any suggestions is greatly appreciated


I am 43 and hold always have regular periods!But within the last 2 months they hold been coming every 2 weeks!?

It can filch around 4-5 weeks for the effects of Lexapro to really kick contained by.

I've been on it since June '03.

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Those are some of the side effects that ensue when you take any SSRI (selective seratonin reuptake inhibitor). It's charitable of funny actually because the SSRI is supposed to serve you with that but it make it worse. Her doctor will probably tell her to bear it for another week and then switch her to another SSRI because they effect you differently and it can appropriate two weeks for the medication to work. Honestly if it were me I would newly stop taking the medication now...I know how desperate it feels because I be given that for anxiety attacks years ago, too.

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This is my specialty. Have her call and see her Dr. Lexapro doesn't work for everyone. Also it take 4-6 weeks for the full effects to work.
Every case is different. Some take Great relief. A small percentage commit suicide or get hold of worse.
Don't take this insubstantially Good Luck

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Stop taking it! Go back to the doctor and acquire something else. There are alot of different meds for anxiety, your friend just wants to find the right one that works for her and it sounds like thats not it. Sounds resembling its making her symptoms worse not better.

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I be taking Lexapro at one time. Many of these types of medications can help yourself to several weeks to take effect. Also, they can curb your appetite and produce sleeplessness. When I took this medication, at night I feel like inside my team leader was one of those cameras they put surrounded by a busy city and then speed up the traffic. It be hard. I'd own your friend call her doc and discuss it. The doctor may want to bequeath it more time, or may want to adjust the dosage. Also, your friend should NOT just stop taking it without chitchat to the doctor may need to be narrowed down instead of just stopping adjectives at once.

Period question?

I a short time ago started lexapro..

i get severe madness attacks and have dreadful stomach problems that are even more effected by anxiety.

for the first week it be terrible, I be shaky, tired but couldnt sleep, waking up every hour and getting headache, so with motivation I was still a moment or two on edge and near wasnt much of a difference. In the second week I was told to double my dose, so instead of a half pill i be to take a full one. Since after i've been doing pretty devout, the shaking stopped and I finally remembered how to laugh again and what its approaching to be calm..

Give it another few weeks, everyone is right going on for it taking 3-4 weeks for a full effect, and honestly I cant wait to see how it works human being on it another couple of weeks.

Also, its one of the safest ones out right now, I be originally prescribed welbutrin and after reading the side effects refused to steal it. I talked to another few doctors and he said that Lexapro is the safest and have the least amount of side effects.

Good luck to her!!

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I do have a suggestion for the sleeping problems. I enjoy been taking Lexapro for going on for 1 1/2 months now. I have difficulty sleeping (waking up in the middle of the night) and switched to taking the tablets in the morning, which help. I had experienced headache, but they have gone away. My doctor give me Clonazapem, which I took for a couple of days, and then if I feel panicky. That helped ALOT, especially since the LExapro does not pinch affect for the first 2-3 weeks.

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