Is it normal to hold boobs and a penis?


I had sex around the time my interval was and the condom broke so i took plan b and very soon i have my time of year again ?

I've seen it beforehand. A gay man, he/she wore makeup looked just close to a girl she was pretty too and get implants and everything.
Alot of straight men thought she be the most amazing thing. No, it's not

Why do girls wait until the concluding minute to go pee?

your question arent amusing, i bet thats why not a lot of folks answer your stupid questions!!

How can i achieve bigger boobs?

i don't think so.

When i shave "down there" it get itchy and red, why? That doesn't happen when i shave anywhere else!

No, why would that be mundane?

Vaginal zit?

At least ask funny question.

You are not normal and should dance be a hermit, minus internet connection.

Was Britney Spears on drugs? Is that's the common sense why she shaved her head and checked herself into rehab?

Where you come from it is. I guess you are using dental floss to attain the excrement and the sperm out of your mouth as I write, so you can entertain down the men's room on the other hand again!

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