I had sex around the time my extent was and the condom broke so i took plan b and in a minute i have my length again ?

Is that normal? or is nearby a possibility that i am pregnant?

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

Plan B is a "progestin" which money it's like the hormone you produce contained by the last partially of your cycle (progesterone). Progestins mature the facing of the endometrium and when the progestin is withdrawn (after you're finished taking it), it signals the shedding of the lining (a time of year...sort of).

Also check a pregnancy test immediately, and then around the time you would expect your subsequent period.

If a women get shot?

Take pregnancy test.

Missed Periods and HPV?

Yes embezzle a pregnancy test AND see a doctor. Seeing a doctor is probably the best point you can do. Even if the pregnancy test say “NO NO NO” to a baby. You can never be sure unless you pop in a trusted doctor. Good luck to you hun.

A lot of times after I have sex I bleed, does anyone know why? and is this common?

If your period is regular, you shouldn't be capable of get pregnant around the time of your term. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days after your spell and the egg is viable for only a few days so in theory you can only get hold of pregnant about in the middle into your cycle.

Is a miscarriage an abortion?

It is very adjectives for the morning after pill to cause your time of year to start even if you just have your period. The type of hormones within the pill cause the bin liner of the uterus to thin out so an egg can't attach and getting rid of the bin liner is what a period is. The two times I took the morning after pill I get my period inwardly a couple days even when it wasn't time for it.

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