Irregular period? normally my period are like 5 days, but these ancient two months they have be like 2 or 3 days long. Is somthing wrong?

Also even when my perod is over I still hold killer cramp..what is wrong?


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I usaully enjoy about 5 days..mine enjoy been shorter too. In actuality they should be closer to 3 days, not 5. So no problem in that. As far as still having cramps..zilch to worry nearly. If you want to regulate them consider some birth control. :)

Where can i get picture of the process of entering a tampon?

Maybe you stress too much.

Do u brand name noise when u orgasm?

it's usual. that's what happends when you get elder.

How long until you had table lamp periods near the Mirena IUD?

I think we inevitability more information. How old are you? Are you on any medication? How long have you be getting your period?

How to influence bi bi 2 pimples!!?

nothing is wrong but if u relaly get owrried budge to the doctor. it also might be cuz ur aging. but dont' worry

About v*rginity?

sometimes you win cramps from lack of stretching and dampen. and sometimes the pattern of your time changes when you first start so i guess it depends on how long you've have it

Has anyone ever gone from 160ish to 120ish (weight loss)-personal experiences,or friends(i dont mean celebs)?

I estimate that its probably nothing too verbs about. Given your age and that you hold only have your period for a short while its your body getting used too the total process.

Having said this you shouldnt have too put up next to painful cramps irregardless of how long youve have your period for so i suggest you turn and see your GP or ask your mum too take you to the pharmacist both of who can distribute you something specifically designed for easing cramps.

Good luck.

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A regular time typically lasts 5 days, but it is completely conventional to menstruate for anywhere between 3 and 7 days. Irregular menstrual periods are usually the result of hormonal signals that hold been thrown out of sync. In writ to produce a period, your body make hormones, like estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are kept surrounded by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries inside your body. In order to trigger ovulation and menstruation, these parts of the body call for to send signals to one another. Sometimes, these signals capture crossed or skipped, causing irregular period. These are some of the possible causes:- Pregnancy: If you are pregnant, your body will switch on producing different levels of hormones. This will mete out numerous pregnancy symptoms, including an end to your time. Stress: Stress is a common rationale of irregular periods. If you are fatigued, worried, or anxious this can motive your hormones to become unbalanced. Diet: A poor diet or extreme freight loss or gain can also affect your hormones. Women with anorexia or bulimia regularly have no time or irregular periods. Exercise: Intense exercise can wreak havoc on your body, regularly causing irregular period. **>Menarche: the cycles after a girl’s first period may be irregular for some time. It can run up to 3 years to get regular periods<**. Menopause:Hormonal Birth Control: Birth control pills and irregular periods sometimes dance hand contained by hand. It can embezzle a while for your body to adjust to the new level of hormones delivered by hormonal birth control. You mention that you are suffering “killer cramp” and here case, you would be advise to contact your doctor at your earliest convenience. Whilst it is often a commonplace occurrence, you should want advice if single to quell your worries.In the mean-time, if you suffer any stress, try to relieve it. Do not over-exercise. If you have an consumption disorder, you should seek give a hand as this can also affect your cycle. As a point of interest, birth control medications are regularly prescribed for this condition.
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Hope this helps
matador 89

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