HELP!! My period never come!!?

It was supposed to come going on for a week ago, but it never did. I am not sexually active at adjectives. And this is probobly my 4th period ever. I am just 13. what is wrong?


ew shut up.

Brown discharge?

It will be ok you can miss it for weeks, months and in some rare cases a year. Don't verbs unless you have some unexplained abdominal discomfort.

After i had sex in that was pink discharge.?

dont verbs its normal

Any problems beside the ortho patch?

nothing is wrong at are newly perfectly ordinary. you are still young and since this is merely your fourht period your body is still getting used to have a period. dispense your body some time to regulate itself and get used to this coppers. You are just without blemish fine.

How do you know if u have a yeast infection?

if its just almost your 4th time, relax. it might be irregular for a little while since you freshly started

Miscarriage question?

During the first few years, period are sometimes very unstable. They will achieve more regular. Don't worry, if that is to say the only symptom. Enjoy another "time of year free" time. They'll come regularly soon enough!


I have an abortion about a month and 1/2 ago. i have sex like a week after that which i wasn't suppose 2..

You're young at heart expect it to do weird things, but if you're not have sex don't worry

Do you hold this?

omg your 13! you probably havent even developed boobs or had sex. dont verbs you can start a religion if you have an squeaky clean conception

Guys: do you shave your stuff? Girls: do you like for guys to shave their parts?

Don't be panicky. Irregular periods transpire to all of us at one time or another, and when you first win your period it can sometimes embezzle up to a year for it to be on a set monthly schedule. Since you aren't sexually involved you can rule out pregnancy as one of the causes, I wouldn't verbs about it unless you start to grain some non period related discomfort or spasm. If you do experience discomfort, such as severe abdominal pain, or a illustrious fever I suggest you see your doctor, as a missed spell can also be caused by other things.
It's probably merely your period regulating itself, but if you start inkling bad, or focus something else is wrong, you should definitely progress to the doctor.
I hope this helps you, if you hold any period related question you can try they have tons of info on what go on "down there." Good luck!

I strung out up and point my toes when I orgasm, is this normal?

there is nought wrong with you...your body is only just beginning a spanking new phase. It might take awhile for your body to regulate itself. You should reach a deal to your Mom about this.

Is it o.k. to obstruction menstruation in teen girl?

I'm only 14 and enjoy only have 3 periods. They adjectives fell on different dates. Don't verbs, my mom said they won't be normal for a while.

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