To what degree does fertility shrink with age contained by men?

I'm in my mid 20's (will turn 26 subsequent month), and I'm seeing an older man (in his 50's) - I know, big age difference, so reserve verdict. We use condoms for birth control, but I'm still thinking about going on the pill to own something more reliable. I know that men don't lose their fertility like women do, but I've read that their fertility decrease remarkably at age 35. I read an article about a 40 year-old woman who be having trouble conceiving near her 55-year-old husband. The doctor said that at age 55, most of his sperm were shot, so it would be difficult. I'd never hear that sperm could become less potent near age, so I wonder if it's true. Women's fertility goes down remarkably at age 27, so I doubt within is a high prospect that we'd conceive even if the condom failed. I do disquiet that if I got pregnant, he'd leave/fight child support since he doesn't want kids at his age. At our ages, esp. near his age, pregnancy even a real concern?

I m virgin..have problem during sexadvice plz?

I've been surrounded by a similar relationship. I've known men contained by their early sixties who be able to with ease impregnate a woman, so I would be careful.

Basically, the idea some me have problems at that age isn't their sperm, but their functionality. As long as he can return with an erection, and my guy couldn't, yours is able to knock you up.

Sweating? how come i find wet spts below my armpits?

lucky guy

If you go on the pill for acne do you still involve a GYN exam?

Probably the typical man hits the wall around age 26 as far as getting bigger and stronger. The main hormone that controls the master switches on growth is HGH or human growth hormone. This starts to cutback with age and by the time a guy is 40 it is path down from his teens. But men even into their 70s and 80s can still get women pregnant.

I wouldn't verbs about it if you want to own this guys baby their is single one way to acquire pregnant: SEX. Lots of it. What a problem to have.

My spell is due in a few days and the finishing few days there'd be brown stains & a little blood contained by my panties?

I met a couple in May, he be 70, she was within her 30's they had a 10 month antediluvian YES pregnancy is a concern.

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