Lately, after I eat I get the impression nausious, and some times?

I do throw up, (no not on purpose) I am starting to get worried, have anyone gone through this

Does Vitamin E make your breasts bigger?

It is possible you own Acid Reflex / GERD. Sometimes even if you bend over you can throw up without admonition, alot of a little. I have a friend that was dianosed beside GERD but didn't have the typical heart-burn that go with it.

Is this something I should be worried roughly?

go to the doctor. That's bad for you to throw up that recurrently, and it may mean you hold something wrong. Do you also get diahrea?

Why do my nipples hurt?

if you are not underweight, next you may have an sore developing. If you are underweight, then you may be developing anorexia nervosa. Consult a doctor in any covering.

Is it ok to?

there is something going arond.. my family is getting it and i hold it, it make me consistency dizzy, achy and stomach hurts real doomed to failure when throughout the day. you also get hold of this feeling resembling you have tangible bad heartburn.

What time of the morning is most effective when working out?

omg i enjoy the same item, if you every figure out what it is can you please share me.

Does having sex the week you are suppossed to capture your period adjournment it because i lost my virginity?

This is me on my other account. don't ask why I am posting this

How cn i label my breast bigger i do not stuff my bras so how do 1?

Are you pregnant? I think you should move about to the doctors and find out what the problem is. It could be serious.

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