Why I cant touch when my boyfriend uses condoms next to texture.?
Both times it was either of late before or after my periods.
in that were times when he used a condom and some times he didn't.
What i found was that when he used condoms of different texures ; also i could not feel anything considerable also when he ejaculated inside me i couldn't brand name out distinctly.
is there a sexual problem with me?
how can i cure it ?
Girls what do you have an idea that?
You enjoy to keep in mind that although you're chitchat about a very sensitive body subdivision, women usually cannot feel much in at hand, but primarily only on the outside and then a few centimeters contained by..but that's pretty much it. The textures on the condoms are also pretty subtle as it is usually made out of latex. You might get some sensation around the entrance but manifestly not deep inside.Thus the same item goes for not being competent to feel him ejaculating inside of you any. Most women cannot feel the actual ejaculate but can feel him pulsating.
So no, you own no problems.
Is your bf/hubby bothered by your stretch grades?
ask him to put it on his tongue...let us know how that works for you!POLL: when did u start ur term?
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