Period relief Please!!?

Ok I have adjectives the signs of my period 1. discharge 2. pubic tresses 3. breasts 4. armpit hair. I've hear that your hieght/weight determines when you get your time of year. Well, im 13 weigh about 112 and I'm 5'8. But i dout if that make a diff. I also run alot. I'm in Cross country and track and i'm training immediately in the summer. Would that own an effect on when i would get my time of year? Thanks for all your relieve!

Help i hate using eye drops!! but i hold to cuz i have pinkeye. any hints on how to take home it more bearable?

well i dont devise the weight and rise have to do anything almost having your time. but being stirring does. a person who runs alot or is extremely active within sports are likely to hold it later than a lethargic or not active being. but who knows?
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It help alot!

Helpso scare.i've be bloating todayhaving got my term yetshould be coming this couple of da

No, its all mother personality

Is it normal to be sweating ALOT during your extent?

I think you might own to have a spot on percent of body fat but honestly you don't want your interval. I got mine when I be eleven on the last time of school. But if within a few years you still don't have it see a doctor. I don't know more or less cross country and track but I don't think so... I do know that if you're stressed it can be behind time.

I wish to know what the medical occupancy of virginaty meens?

Studies say any mode of activity that you assist in can play a critical part contained by the development process of your body. I regard as when your period comes on it does enjoy something to do with how rapid your body develops and matures. Because I have fully developed breasts by age 5, i skipped a training bra all together and go straight to a B cup and got my interval by age 7, so I would say later life and development have a lot to do beside when you will get your extent.

Please! ladies only!?

it dont thing how tall you are or how much you weigh. i be 11 or 12 when i got mine, it adjectives depends on when your body decides its time. when running track it is a honourable idea to try tampons they are alot easier to accord w/ while in any sport rationale they dont move around while things are going on. i personally reflect on they are alot better. but make sure you dont use one thats to big...toxic shock syndrome (it have to do w/ tampons) is a bad entity you might want to look that up online you can just google it.

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