Is anyone else 'saving themselves' for nuptials?

I'm not a prude and It's not that i 'can't get laid'.
I have a boyfriend and we love respectively other very much.
I just want to know if anyone else out here is - or did, and what your motivation is - or was.

Answers:    I'm saving myself for nuptials.

If I do get married, I plan on marrying someone that I love highly much and care about. Therefore I can provide him a gift that I have never given anyone else. Additionally, it is not religiously correct for me. God desires us to save sex for husband and wife- it is a sacred article to be cherished, not abused.

Also I learned in vigour class that females have a certain bonding chemical call "oxytocin". It is released during only 3 activities throughout a female's natural life: sex, childbirth, and breastfeeding. When we loose dramatic levels of oxytocin, we also loose ability to trust and bond..
to be honest, i'm not sure. i've come incredibly close, and said no. and it's not because i'm "scared". i'm just not ready.

save marriage, i want to save myself for a committed relationship.
sex comes beside a lot of responsibility. it changes things.

unsurprisingly sex comes with responsibility. if you aren't responsible about it you can find stds or pregnant!.
I probably will. It's mostly a trust factor for me. And I've never really seen any good come out of not waiting anyways (not clich?? that NOT waiting is a bad thing to do, I newly don't see any benefits in it). I know people can still turn out to be crappy after marriage ceremony, but still, it's what I need.

And in the termination, having sex whenever someone is ready is the most far-reaching part. The people who criticize another person's choice nearly it don't have to live with the electric, mental, etc. consequences of someone doing it when they aren't ready. It's very personal..
I told myself when i be younger that i was going to, but it never planned out like that. I am near my boyfriend now and were planning on getting married so i dont see the point surrounded by waiting to have sex with him, its going to be like as when we are married.

And as for the dude above me - sex doesnt come with responsibility.. how would you know that if you havent had sex? If its near the right person and you want to show your love for them physically then why not?.
i hold a abstenance ring and its a sin and illegal at my age and i went to and abstenance program and some stds you can attain can mess up all your woman parts some ppl cant give birth bc of it and i dont want to die of stds and i want to hold kids some day and dont want to be a prego teen and some guys just want to grasp you in bed and after watching the secret life span if the american teenager on abc family tuesdays at 7/8 i really dont want to and approaching 90% of ppl over all even if nothing happen to them wish that they had never have sex and who wants to be known as the girl that 'gets around'? its close to a gift for your wedding darkness

hope i helped!

<333 IM if you need anylore lend a hand!.
Yes, I am saving myself for marriage because i want my sex existence to be with the one i'll be with forever.
Also I promised God that I will linger.
God says that marriage is something that's between a husband and wife.
So yeah I'm waiting and own no problem letting people know..
YES- Me and my husband dated for 4 years before we get married, and waited till our wedding dark. he had done it before beside another girl, and i am not prude, but it just felt resembling the right thing to do. We lived together for 2 years before we get married, and well that's how i knew he be the one for me. Good luck. I am saving it for marriage and I also enjoy a boyfriend (2 years). What keeps me going is my religion and I don't feel any pressure. I'm 18 and I grain I've waited this long why would I give it up in a minute..
I did. I was with my immediately husband for 5 years before we got married and we wait. I was 21. I did so because I believe God created sex for a husband and wife. Good luck to you! I plan on "saving myself" until wedding ceremony also. I have many reason for motivation, and I am too lazy to type them all out..
The foolproof honeymoon is a good motivation. Yes, I am. I think it's the right item to do and many girls feel equal way even though it seems resembling everyone is having sex early..
I am "good myself" for marriage.

A lot of Guys think i'm crazy...but I only want to be a good girl not a slut.. religious beliefs, just opinion it's the right thing to do, too many risks even near "protected" sex uhhho! too late! LOL!!.
i dont believe in sex back marriage.
but thats just my view, and i respect others' too. (:

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