Getting vertebrae on the pill after 2 months...?

I had be on the pill for about 5 years, and I just this minute got stale of it for about 2 months. Well, very soon I am getting back on it, and I am have abdominal cramping, a huge appetite (mostly chocolate and sweet stuff). Is this normal, and is it freshly your body adjusting to the hormones? Or should I start freeking out almost potential pregnancy? HELP!!

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It could be the hormones trying to take use to the pill again. It ussually takes a few months for ur body to go and get use to it. and bout beign pregnant i don't think u are wreak it could take up to a full year after stopping birthcontrol to receive pregnant. If u are still having doubts, contact ur doctor asap.

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i am glad my ex get off of the pill, smaller number headaches, mood swings..

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If you are afraid you are pregnant, call your doctor and product an appointment asap.. you arent supposed to take the pill while pregnant (obviously). It is possible that its hormones but check to be past the worst

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Yes it is terrifically normal ask your doctor in the order of these pills you are taking! Madelynn W.

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Your doctor did give you a pregnancy trial before prescribing your birth control right? If they didnt you might want to request one! Cramping is majority, its your body's way of adjust. You are putting more hormones into your body than it has have for the past two months. Take a breather, pick up the phone and hail as your doctor. If your pain presists ask to be put on the shot or the patch. They also own other options such as IUD's. They are intra uterine devices, yes they finishing for five years but they are worth it!

NuvraRingtook it out one day rash and put it back one date behind schedule!!?

even though you were on the pill for five years your body still wants to readjust to the pill again. it would not hurt to take a pregnancy experiment ...if for no other reason than to put your mind at assuage.( if you restarted your pills on the sunday after your period and did not miss or pilfer any pills late) that should not be a problem. do not stop taking your pills though.

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