How can I prevent breast soreness during PMS?


Can sperm travel through amounts of clothing? well i mull over it was pre becuz i dint identify it?

Wear a bra that supports you, but doesn't bind (like with under-wire or exercise bras). Use Tylenol for the discomfort and chat to your doctor about a muted diuretic for excess fluid retention. The over-the-counter fluid pills don't really work that well.

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Can't really run from that one. It's just a part of a set of PMS. Everytime u get a unsystematic to remove your bra,just do it for comfort.

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Take a diuretic (water pill). That's what I always do. It certainly works too. You're breasts are swollen and sore because of water retention during your extent. You can buy them at Walmart, Walgreens, or just almost anywhere.

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