Very personal!?

ok, i have be with my same partner for the recent past 4 years. we have be having intercouse and i hold had misery everytime since we have be together. i have my regular pap check and i have be taking birth control pills, ortho tri cyclene and now levelen 28! so far i still enjoy pain, i hold tried all different types of condoms and lubercations, zilch seems to help out. what do you think is the problem? i entail some advice ladys please. im 19 this isnt regular right?

Why is it that men and ladies dont understand some ladies enjoy high hormones and have need of it more?

Have you spoken to your gyn about this. If not speak to him immediately. You said you had a pap but enjoy you spoken to him/her about the possible cause for this pain.. inflict it doesn't sound middle-of-the-road to me.

Loestrin 24 and constant period.?

It might be possible that you could own a urinary tract infection; check with your doctor and they may know how to prescribe medication for this; on the other hand your partner may be too big for you; it have happened since and its no laughing matter; best of luck to you

Why does it hurt taking a tampon sour?

maybe the mood isn't set right as you said you had a pap question paper and all things be okay ,so that lets out irritation=some family need for a time foreplay

Is it safe to enjoy sex during in pregnency?

Go to your doctor. You could have an STD (sexually transmitted disease), or you could be experiencing a condition certain as vaginismus. It might not be either item, but you should get it checked out nonetheless.

Why have my sex drive decreased??

Maybe you don't relax while doing it. Try to relax as much as you can.

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