It's so annoying please give a hand me :(?

basically, im 13 and im completely flat chested, i have nil! i haven't started my period yet, but the full situation really gets me down. all my friends own at least got small boobs but i haven't get anything, i feel really akward around my friends when they all speak about how big their boobs are and i wouldn't want to go swimming next to them either, i wear a paded bra but i just quality really fake and it's just so frustrating ): does the reality that im a very competitive cross country runner come into it? please help, and appreciation for all your answers


Worried...Constantly have to pee, but later there's not much to pee?

You dont stop developing until you are 18 and certainly wont start growing boobies until you are nearer your period. I started my periods at age 12 my nipples got larger around 6 months before that (that was really annoying - no boobs of late nips!).
You say you are amazingly active - well yes that may hold something to do with it - you are more likely to start developing when you hold a healthy body mass index and weigh around 8 stone.
Dont feel awkward, i dont indicate this to sound horrid and i'm sure in your mind you surface like you are grown up but at 13 you are still a girl - make the most of it sweetie! you dont take to go back, and once you start the wonderful world of puberty you'll discover its not adjectives ( o Y o ) 's - theres period pain, spots, mood swings, BO... mane!
Plus, this will make you feel dutiful - all the girls i know who were behind time bloomers all exploded into C or D cups later on!
if you are still concerned you can speak to a nurse but really i estimate you'll be just fine!
Hope this helps xxxx

Would vomiting 2 days after taking the morning after pill affect it?

I know how you have a feeling I was a late bloomer too, it's firm but people who start puberty before their peers normally feel embarrassed too. You a moment ago have to accept your body and be proud of it, stand within front of the mirror every day and point out 3 thing which you similar to about yourself. Get and new tresses cut of a cool new outfit which makes you look more grown up. I should consider having a slim build you are a very angelic cross county runner, so be a happy about that :D Athletic girls repeatedly develop a little later. You're solely 13 you've got plenty of time to develop yet. If wearing a slightly pad bra makes you feel confident next wear one.

Don't feel ashamed to go swimming near your friend, there your friends they shouldn't care what you look resembling! and if they have any regards to your response they won't make horrible comments. You'll grow in the subsequent couple of years but for now learn to love your body, you're mum probably go through the same, talk to her almost it!
Good luck
edit:ingore the other person, it is everyday for girls to get their periods anywhere between the age of 9 and 18.

Guy stared at me adjectives the time after I see him within the corridor holding hand near someone...?

At 13, you should enjoy had your period already. It could anticipate that your hormones are not yet well developed or on the same wavelength. You need estrogen for your boobs to develop and for your period to start. Try consumption a lot of broccoli and fermented soy or tofu. There are other vegetables out there but I can't remember them in a minute. In the meantime, enjoy the absence of your term. Believe me, it can be a downer sometimes. Also, take a look at your mom, your mom's sisters, are they flat chested too? then it could be generic. Don't touch bad about it. Deviate your attention from it. Your human being a cross country runner must be contributory to it. On the other hand, perhaps your withdrawal of estrogen makes you good at it. Afterall, look at those heroic runners --- most of them are flat chested, right? and more comfortable and convenient for them too. lesser weight to get and better for their backs/spine. God bless. Just remember you are God's child too and maybe that's just how God requests you to be. However, if you reach 15 and still don't have your extent. well, maybe a doctor can help out you then.

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