Is this conventional during pregnancy?

is this normal and but for whats going on?
my friend is 36 weeks pregnant and was intuition really weird today dizzy and adjectives swollen and could hardly move and have some contraction
so she went to the doctor
and her blood pressure be 90 over 50 and her pulse was 99 (and its usually 80)
and she be starting to dilate and having some contractions
powerfully the doctor sent her home told her to sit in the pool drink lots of hose and a glass of wine---(which i chew over is ridiculous i dont think drinking is gonna gross it better)
what could this be the nurse told her it could be preeclampsia but the dr didnt even run any tests
what would u do
and if it is procure a second opinion how do u dance about doin that?

My tailbone is bloodshed me don't know why.?

If she has swelling, dizziness and/or figment of the imagination disturbance, contractions, then she wants to be seen. The swelling is serious if relieved by elevating her feet and legs. The ^pulse could newly be from anxiety about it adjectives. The BP is good but bear close monitoring. If it increases and the bottom number gets complex, then treatment is reasonable. It could be preeclampsia, but that is difficult to diagnose unless she is monitored closely. If the symptoms seize worse and she is concerned, she needs to shift to the ER and they will send her to the OB part or triage to get checked out. The nurses will scrutinize her closely and report the findings to the Dr. This should ease her mind.

Im so * scaredhelp PLZPLZ?

i would move about see another doc!! her blood pressure is dangerously low!

How lots time have you have the "I think I'm pregnant" conversation?

ummmm i would emphatically go straight to the ER!! your friend doesnt want to risk that little one's life as powerfully as her own!!

Abnormal cells from pap?

Usually the blood pressure is elevated with preclampsia but I am sure that vary. Being very swollen is undeniably a sign. I was miserable beside my 2nd son and was getting preclamsic and they deliver him 2 weeks early.
I would give the name another doctor and ask their opinion.

Is in that any way to stop your menstrual cycle?

she should see another doctor and as far as i know pregnant women r not supposed to drink wine or any alcoholic beverages..i muse this doc is stupid..
i dunno about the insurance system in ur country but i guess she would own to go to a private clinic..

Optimus P.,Why are you so stupid?

SECOND OPINION!! A.S.A.P.! As for how to walk about it, try going to the e.r. because that behind schedule in pregnancy most obgyns won't want to filch over.

What are ways a female can strictness for her body and during menstruation?

First go to webMD and check out duplicate symptoms. Does not sound moral to me, but see what they say. If webMD can not help out, then bring her to another DR. or the emergency room.

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