Abnormal cell from pap?

i had a pap smear done similar to a month ago and it came put money on abnormal...when i go back to get hold of it retaken today...the doctor said she doesnt know what kind of remarkable cells they are however...i was wondering what could it be?

information: the day of my second pap i started my period...would that basis an abnormal pap.....and i've also never have other paps come back abnormal

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An abnormal theory test result could be something as simple as a bacterial infection that could clear up on it's own, or it could be as serious as HPV. Once they get the results put money on, you will have more information.

HPV is a virus that can grounds Cervical Cancer. Any woman who has ever have sex is at risk for HPV. Men carry it and don;t even know because they exhibit no symptoms.

Wait for the results, but school yourself on HPV and talk to your doctor give or take a few the vaccination for it. At smallest you are having regular paps-that's great. Keep taking attention of yourself.

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I had a pap smear done back that came stern abnormal. It be cancer cells. I go to the dr. and he froze it. The procedure is done almost like a pap smear but take a little longer and my stomach cramped but excluding that painless.

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You could possibly have an infection of the cervix or it could be nil at all. The slide they put the cell on on could have be dirty. I wouldn't worry too much roughly speaking it.

Period problem?

No, you're period would not mete out abnormalities.

An impressive cell reading can mean anything. You really won't know until the further analysis have come back. Could indicate anything from nothing, to an infection, to cancer. I wouldn't verbs. If you're not having symptoms that could be associated next to anything major, it could be a moment ago nothing; to be exact, normal, but outside the gamut most people trip up into. Worst case scenerio, short having any other symptoms, is a low-grade infection that can be remedied near antibiotics. No biggie.

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.Abnormal Pap smear results are normally explained by an infection or an inflammation. Yeast infections, herpes, trichomonas, recent sexual activity, or use of vaginal preparations, are normally things which cause an phenomenal Pap smear result.
Many times the culprit is HPV or human papilloma virus, sometimes referred to as genital warts. HPV is a adjectives infection in women and has be detected in women contained by their seventies; up to 60% of sexually- active women may fetch this virus on their cervix, genital area, or skin and are completely unmindful of it.

Have a read of the document found in the trellis site below.

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I had an impressive pap smear come back twice past. Most likely it's nil. I just have to get a biopsy done, that's when they pinch a small piece of your cervix. Don't worry it's painless. Your doctor is most feasible going to have you come surrounded by every 4 months just to manufacture sure everything is OK. But don't worry I'm sure it's zilch but an mild bacterial infection.

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