This is a knotty one to ask??

Im having a concrete time wanting to make love to my husband. I work every time of the week and yes Im stressed and tired but I have no desire to be intiment near him at all. It have nothing to do near wanting to be with any one else I enjoy no sexual feeling for any one excluding him. What do I do? It is causing problems. Is it something medical or what. I inevitability Help

It's normal. Frustrating and stressful, but mundane. Does he tell you he loves you? Does he show his affection within non-sexual ways that help you surface valued and loved? Sometimes when I'm feeling resembling a piece of the furniture rather than a valued and loved woman I take like that, and nil makes "IT" occur. If it keeps up perchance you should talk to your doctor.
I hope things win better for you soon!
wow. does that mingy that every women on the face of this planet should be have sexual desires about makiing love to someone? If not, next you are totally normal.
Take a long weekend off from work and budge somewhere nice and romantic. It may just be the pressures of enthusiasm that are getting to you.

A change of step and scenery should relieve you. Try to find a nice place that is not too far away. Leave precipitate on Friday and come back Sunday hours of darkness.
If your on medications or birth control pills it can do libido problems. I would consult your doctor. Good-Luck Sweetie..its fixable so don't worry yourself too much, nought is wrong with you..this happen to all of us.
The populace on this site are not the ones to help you. First see your MD after ask him/her to refer you for some counseling. Good luck to you
Maybe he requirements to light a candle and foot you a flower. Or just listen to Filter's disc "Title of Record." That should do the trick.
Your just stressed! Try taking a year off and going to the spa. Then when your hubby get home you should be way more relaxed! Or try have both of you take a time off to spend together. If that doesn't work after go see your ob/gyn. It could a short time ago be that you have a low sex drive. That can be fixed near hormones. If you want, just move about straight to the obn/gyn. Trust me, it will be worh it.
It is totally stress! Been nearby ,done that!
This is why God meant for mommies to stay home & Daddies to bring home the bacon!
We cannot hold it all,no concern how hard we try!
It's probably of late age. Women kind of run through slumps like that near sex. Normally a woman hits her sexual peak around 30 - 35...It's lately natural and nil to do with your love for him. If it's affecting your relationship find some item to get you into it again. Sometimes, we don't know we want it until he's messing next to us or we're in foreplay. Allow him to start might return with into it. Or you could try something new. Go to a sex store and buy some toys, or try doing it in the sports car or a public place. Things like that spark untried things for us married people. Read cosmo..they enjoy great tips.
You should exercise your self. If you're somehow overweight, that might be a reason. Try juggle or anything for cardio. Avoid alcohol. Have 400 to 800 IU of vitamin E everyday for 1 month. Eat more onion.'s majority... when I stress sex is the last piece in my mind..after the problems start..."why wont you have sex near me...who are you givin' it dont love me nomore.." and so on.I feel bleak and I use to force myself..but it wasnt the same.Try taking a shot or two, or wine a beer...They give somebody a lift the stress away and help you perceive more freaky... you dont need to attain drunk , but a drink or two helps you relax...try it you dont enjoy nothin to lose.
You enjoy to force yourself to do it no matter how much you don't want to. Once you find going you will like it. Its purely like exercises the thought of it make me want to crawl in bed and hair, but once I make myself do it IT FEELS GREAT. This method have work with some friends going through works
There are tons of reason your libido isn't working correctly.
Some are caused by stress, overwork, sleep deprivation, hormonal inconsistency, problems with your conjugal. This one is a tough one because it involves sitting down with your husband and hash over the rough spots in your matrimonial and making changes that may be difficult for both of you. My suggestion is to craft an appt. with your doctor and rule out any physical or hormonal problems that could be cause this. Then sit down with the doctor and spread out up and tell her/him exactly whats going on in your natural life on a day to morning basis. This will endow with doc a better basis from which to prefer how to treat your problems. Good Luck
well i am no expert on the married life but i do know that it is hurting your relationship by not human being intimate with your husband. He probably feel like you are not attracted to him anymore or perchance he assumes you are cheating on him. How long has it be since you guys made love last? If i be you i would talk to him around this issue and try to resolve it somehow or he might find that intimacy elseware. i know you said that you were tired contained by all but they do hold medicine that increases your sex drive

i did some research on your give somebody the third degree and i found this website
Sometimes medication can kill sex drive, surrounded by particular anti-depressants. If that's the crust, asking for a alternate medication for your next restock (explaining the situation to your doctor) might help.

Otherwise, I don`t know it's just time to re-evaluate your work duration. Downscale your house or sell an expensive motor. Since finances are such a big thing for couple stress, going on the something approaching the Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover has help the mental state for lots of people (not a plug to buy stuff, check your local library).

At the fundamentally least, clue him surrounded by on what's going on with you. Speak directly. Guys can own a hard time translating stimulating speech.