How long is it okay for me to transport diane35?

I'm using diane-35 pills to treat hormonal imbalance and possible polycystic ovary per gynecologist's prescription. She also recommended it for my acne problems. I am prescribed to thieve it for 3 to 6 months and have an ultrasound to see if in that are some changes within my ovaries. The problem is I don't have an access to a trustworthy gynecologist and ultrasound where on earth I am. I've been continuing taking diane35 for 9 months (last April) because of that. Is it okay for me to verbs doing so as I'm also using it for contraception? I'm getting anxious over this news that diane35 cause severe side effects so I'm hoping for good answers for the plan time while I have no proper doctors to consult beside.

Teen weight?

I took Diane 35 for 5 years beside no serious problems.

HTH : )

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