My mom won't consent to me shave my legs. back!?!

About a month ago, i asked my mom if i could shave my legs. I'm 12. She was against it and she kept telling me that i shouldn't because it be a mistake that she made in her life because she did it and in a minute she has to do it forever. Well all my friends do it and i don't know 1 party that doesn't do it. I'm afraid to ask her again because she might say no. What should i do!?!! I'm about to be in motion to 7th grade and i don't want people making fun of me. I don't want that to appear! i want a good middle school year.

Answers:    jsut linger it out and wear jeans
i had the same problem
i be finally allowed to at the end of 7th grade simply becuase i had to wear a skirt for drama club
and nobody knew!!
except for my bestest friends.
Just because she doesn't do it , doesn't tight-fisted she should not let you do it. It should be your own choice. My cousin went through one and the same thing. Her mom and my mom went out to lunch sooner or later and I dared her to shave with me. She be so scared that she would get contained by trouble. Well not serious trouble but she knew her mom would be upset. Anyway, she was batty for a minute and then she got over it. I say-so if you want to shave your legs then do it. Go to a friends house and do it and then your mom will enjoy no choice but to let you shave after that cuz you will have to. I'm 14. Since I be 12 I started shaving my legs. My legs now are a horriable mess. I mean when I be 12 my leg weren't that hairy. Now if I miss one day my legs are bushy and people tease me just about it. So your friends may make fun of you right now, but believe me when your elder you'll be less worried about your legs than them. Also one 12, your probably not going to have people touching your legs that much. .
I have the exact same problem when I was 12. My mom wouldn't let me because my mane leg hair was blonde. I have my brother help me. When we were adjectives sitting together, I had him comment on how gross it was for a girl to own leg hair, then I told my mom that I tought it be too, then the next sunshine she let me shave. Your mom is right. I really wanted to shave my legs also at a infantile age but my mother wouldnt let me because in after that years I was told they would grow really thick and coarse. So I wait till maybe 16 and I'm glad I did because I am 28 now and I swear I dont hold to shave but maybe once a week. I have gossamer hairs. My legs are very smooth and shiny. I did bleach them beside this product they sell at walmart, walgreens, cvs which ever. Your mom is giving you good counsel..
Try reasoning with your mum. Say it's a risk you are willing to thieve. If not, reason with her roughly other alternatives, like chemical removal or whatnot.

There are electric razors that do not shave the curls to the skin like normal razor, it keeps the hair really short to where on earth you don't see it. I used one when I was your age. :).
omg if u pick ur hairs one by one itll HURT! my mom didnt permit me shave my legs either. just come home from academy one day and put water adjectives over ur face n go to her pretend crying proverb all the girls were laughing at you and the boys be laughing too and make her feel impossible and say I JUST WANT SMOOTH LEGS LIKE THE GIRLS IN THE COMMERCIALS lol or use nair. that way u didnt SHAVE, but u get rid of ur hair on ur legs. if u dont do that youll have unkempt legs! dont worry darl
my mum did that too, i didnt start shaving my legs till i was 15 and contained by year 10.
if you have blonde leg hairs afterwards you shouldnt get bagged.
if they are pitch-black, then id recommend you to protest against your mum or just do it and she can just traffic with it
Next time you get to Walmart, capture some Nair. It works well if you use it according to directions. Make sure you won't get into trouble for using it, though. I don't want your mom to be wacky at you. I think all moms are close to that. In my opining they don't want to come to terms with their baby's are becoming women. I did it anyways when my mom told me no. .
hmm...basically ask her again,make sure shes in a suitable mood lol but yeah just try and convincer her. If not then a moment ago shave, and dont tell her. just do it contained by the shower unless your mom watches you in the shower or showers with you..
There is one solution to this, if you pick out the hair one by one ask your mom for nair.
they have hair bleaching products at resembling CVS steal a razor and just use it that style?.
i was in duplicate situation seriously. I was 12 and wanted to, my mom said no. i be so embarassed in gym and stuff. i just shaved anyway and wore pant and my mom never found out until she "let" me shave later that year. But all women should do it so for your mom to articulate it was a mistake is kinda silly unless she has blonde tresses on her legs which is rare for adults.
What you could ask is to use a depilatory cream like nair which is smaller quantity abrasive than shaving. Also the hair doesn't grow rear as quick

Good luck i totally sympathize with you .. but don't verbs you'll get through it ok. There's worse things ..
I'm Asian, too, and I wish I did not start shaving my legs.

Once you start shaving your legs, be prepared:
- to hold to shave it daily or probably every 2-3 days because you will get those hard-ended stubbles where on earth the shaven hair will grow back
- for tresses ingrown! Yay! They can be itchy and you may have to exfolliate more often.

So unless you want to tag on 1 or 2 more items into your routine, then go ahead and shave it.

Actually unless you own really thick, long and curly leg hairs (like a man), yours should not be so bleak. If you are wanting to do this because of the hairless, flawless air-brushed pressure from advertisements and probably your friends, think about how much work it is to continue this.
well your mom DOES have a point that shaving your legs once mode shaving your legs forever but its NATURAL. and i believe that a 7th grader SHOULD have done that but im not guna judge you because of an uptight mom. what i expect you should do is sit mommy dearest down and discuss the need to shave and the options save for shaving (waxing or depilatory). dont whine or complain, just tell the problem and how to fix it. btw: wax is less often than shaving (once a month or so but it HURTS close to a mother f****r. pretty much worth it cuz you end up growing less fleece as you age.) also, depilatory is strange but a really good idea.. do your research and conceivably she will understand!

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