Am i missing something in my diet?

when i use the bathroom sometimes i bleed, (this isn't my period) and sometimes i don't even go to the bathroom for days. here was one time when i didn't stir for three days, but i did urinate. It is very painfull and sometimes it feel like something is tear every time i go. I put away three times a day, and i try to get through healthy, i hold even tried taking vitamins but it still happens. could it hold anything to do with anyone lactose intolerant?

How common is Complex Endometrial Hyperplasia? I be diagnosed with this just now by my OB-GYN.?

Ya!! If you are lactose intolerant relieving yourself will be reeeeeally uncomfortable if you own been drinking anything with lactose surrounded by it!! You know the drill, wet fa*rts, gassy tummies, belching, burping, tart reflux blabblahblah ad infinitum ! Eliminate adjectives dairy and pay more attention to your intake of fresh fruit and vegies, loads of fresh filter water (you can buy filter jug at any large department store for around $30.00 AUD), nuts and seed (ground up on your salads or cereals), lean meats, fish and poultry, wholegrains and cereal. Ditch all white foods and cast-offs foods also. Make sure you include something green and leafy with two meal per day - ie - spinach, lettuce, broccolli, kale adjectives contain loads of vitamin B6 and will encourage the production of hydrochloric sharp to get your digestive juice going. Also include lots of foods such as cantelope and raw peanuts which are also worthy digestive aides and fibre complete foods. I reckon its jus that you aren't eating adequate as in total .... and a little bit of not satisfactory of the foods needed for good digestion ... parsley eat in your salads or yummy eat by the handfull, is also a ripper digestive aide !! Hey !! Good Luck !!


I think I smell when I sit for long?

go see your doctor and carry a exam.

My mom makes me wear a bodysuit and I disgust, is she right?

you have to own your daily dose of man juice

speak to your husband

or father

Where can i travel and do mammogram for my Brest in Montreal, Canada?

get x-rays might be stones they will explanation you to hurt and bleed but only a x-ray can let somebody know for sure.

Switched from Mirena to Yaz, how long before it is important..?

Are you drinking lots of water? Drinking lots of hose down should be part of a athletic diet. Talk to your doctor and seek medical suggestion.

Is it okay to use Bikini Wax on the vagina?

Consult your doctor. In the mean time use fluid prafine oil to smoothness your difficulty while going to the TOILET,as it is quite secure to use.

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