Have you ever have an IUD?

I got an IUD put surrounded by on March 1st. I am still bleeding! Is this normal? How long should I expect to bleed for?

This is a interrogate for BUTTERFLY (you answered one of my questions a few mins ago!)?

I own the Mirena. When I first had it placed I have more days of spotting (light bleeding) then not. I enjoy had it for 8 months and it have finally settled in and I have in the region of a week of spotting now. I don't hold painful substantial periods any more.

What size do guys assume is fat? and what size boobs are most prefered?

hey i get one on like feb 12th and im still bleeding alot

What may be the wreak of one breast being smaller than other?

no but i did procure a DUI. sorry. hope you're okay.

4 hours late next to mini pill?

are you talking roughly speaking an Interesting Ugly Date? I went on one long ago,when we kissed she bit my lip,I too bled,no it be not normal.

Is anyone on the pill to control aching periods? Does it work and what are the side effects? Thanks?

No, but I know friends who enjoy. I think some bleeding is common but if it continues; check with your doctor. Don't agree to it go on too long. They can report you over the phone if it is supposed to be.

Women, what does it feel similar to when you have your fruitless time of the month (PMS)? Explain it to a man.?

No, dangerous, please report fast in ER and telephone a Gynecologist.
Get off this vacuum tube contained by your own interest.

Does getting your tube tied cost?

Yes it can be normal. It shouldn't be hefty bleeding, though. Do you have the copper IUD? That one tend to cause irregular bleeding in some women. Are you sure it's not your time of year? IUDs sometimes cause longer period and heavier bleeding, especially during the first 3 months.

These are the warning symptoms:
Late or missed spell.
Abdominal pain.
Fever or chills.
Increased or foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

If you're concerned, make a contribution your doc office a appointment. They won't mind answering your questions! Good luck!

Period contained by the middle of my pill pack?

I had one. I didn't own a lot of bleeding after it be put in, in recent times a little spotting for a couple of days. (but it did jump down out so make sure you check yours as your doctor should enjoy told you to make sure it is still contained by place).

I have have both a copper and a Mirena. The copper made my periods finishing twice as long as they were up to that time. The Mirena was great until it fell out.

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